Embedding panda3d window inside tkinter macOS

Hello. This post might not be the first on this topic. However, I still want to make it to further clarify on this.

I am using Panda3d on MacOS, and I want to embed it on tkinter frame so that my application would have a 3d viewport.

I am trying out this code:

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from panda3d.core import WindowProperties
from tkinter import Button, CENTER

class AppTk(ShowBase):

    def __init__(self):
        ShowBase.__init__(self, windowType = 'none')

        self.frame = base.tkRoot

        button = Button(self.frame, text = 'Click me !', bd = '5', command = self.test)
        #button.pack(side = 'top') 
        button.place(x = 400, y = 300, anchor = CENTER)

        props = WindowProperties()
        props.set_origin(0, 0)
        props.set_size(self.frame.winfo_width(), self.frame.winfo_height())

        base.open_default_window(props = props)

        self.frame.bind("<Configure>", self.resize)

        scene = loader.load_model("environment")

    def test(self):

    def resize(self, event):
        props = WindowProperties()
        props.set_origin(0, 0)
        props.set_size(self.frame.winfo_width(), self.frame.winfo_height())

app = AppTk()

However, on mac, it segmentation faults.
I tried to remove certain pieces of code and it works when I remove props.set_parent_window, but the window is not embedded on the tkinter window. Furthermore, the window does not respond when I press the “Click me” button.

I have not tried this on windows as I own a mac, but according to other posts, it seems to work on windows but not on mac.

Is there any solution or alternative to this so that it works on mac?