Does Panda3d have it's own SH coefficients for Spherical Harmonics?

hello everyone, as the title states, I wanted to ask this before I try to look up how I compute my own, in the case that panda3d requires I compute my own, can panda3d in any way at least assist to make it easier to do so? anyway that is all, thank you,

Sorry for the late reply, but in case you find yourself wanting spherical harmonics in the future, simplepbr has code to create SH coefficients from a supplied cubemap. The low-level logic to do this can be found here. Be warned, it’s written in Python (a compute shader version is planned for the future), so it’s not the fastest thing. There is also a high-level interface (EnvMap) that will generate SH coefficients and a pre-filtered cubemap for doing a split-sum approximation for IBL lighting.

My apologies, I was away, and did not see my e-mail which said that you replied, thank you for the reply, but I was actually wondering if panda3d can do so by itself without any extra dependencies, but since you provided some pure python modules, I will look into these indeed. thank you for the assistance (thumbs up).

Edit: I looked over the low level logic module you provided, how do you use it? is there a single function call or a series of them? from my small understanding and research, Spherical Harmonics is called just after the scene is rendered.

So it can calculate how detailed lighting works around the static geometry and stores that understanding somewhere, in this case a cubeMap, it would also seem that self.get_sh_coeffs_from_cube_map(SHcubeMap) would get me the SH coefficients from the cubemap.

does this module also create the cubemap I need to supply back to it?