Documenting game classes

Should we use Doxygen to document our game classes or is there a better way?

Im using Doxygen like this. Doxygen works very well when generating class and package trees.

I just used at the source root dir:

doxygen -g Doxyfile

To generate the config file Doxyfile then changed a couple of parameters:

RECURSIVE = 1 # because im using python packages
OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA = YES # better for python
EXTRACT_ALL = YES # generate doc even for non-commented stuff

Then finally:

doxygen Doxyfile

This class example was taken from the airblade demo.

## Copyright by the Starflight III Project
#  Adapted from the class with the same name in the airblade demo 
#  available from the panda3d site.
from direct.directbase.showbase.ShowBaseGlobal import *
from direct.showbase.ShowBaseGlobal import *
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
from direct.task import Task
import time

## Shows the current game FPS (Frames Per Second) as a text label on top 
#  of the window.
#  Requirements: This class requires DirectStart to be imported in some other module.
#  Instance members:
#  displayFPS   - If the text label is visible or not.
#  numSamples   - How many times should the timer be probed to compute the FPS value.
#  fps          - The current fps value.
#  samples      - List of timer values.
#  fpsLabel     - The text label that shows the FPS value.
#  lastTime     - Last probed time.
class FPSMeter(DirectObject):

  ## Initialization.
  #  self -
  #  displayFPS - If the text label is visible or not.
  #  numSamples - How many times should the timer be probed to compute the FPS value.
  def __init__(self, displayFPS=True, numSamples=20):
    self.displayFPS = displayFPS
    self.numSamples = numSamples
    self.fps = 0.0
    self.samples = []
    if( displayFPS ):

  ## Used during instance initialization to create the text label.
  #  self -
  def initLabel(self):
    self.fpsLabel = DirectLabel(
            relief = None,
            pos = (-0.95, 0, 0.90),
            text = "0.0 fps",
            color = Vec4(0, 0, 1, 1),
            text_scale = 0.1,

  ## Shows the text label, reset sample values and adds the update task.
  #  self -
  def enable(self):
    self.disable() # just in case
    self.samples = []
    self.lastTime = time.time()
    if( self.displayFPS ):
    task = Task.Task(self.fpsTask)
    taskMgr.add(task, "fpsTask")

  ## Hides the text label and removes the update task.
  #  self -
  def disable(self):
    if( self.displayFPS ):

  ## The task method callback that will update the FPS value.
  #  self -
  def fpsTask(self, task):
    if( self.displayFPS ):
    return Task.cont

  ## Update the FPS value.
  #  This is a callback method used with the Task.Task(method) constructor.
  #  self -
  def updateFPS(self):
    t = time.time()
    dt = t - self.lastTime
    if( len(self.samples) > self.numSamples ):
      self.samples.pop( 0 )
    self.lastTime = t
    denom = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, self.samples)
    if( denom != 0 ):
      self.fps = len(self.samples)/denom
      self.fps = 100.0

  ## Update the text label with the last FPS value.
  #  self -
  def updateDisplay(self):
    self.fpsLabel['text'] = "% 3.1f fps" % self.fps