Directionnal light + shadows

Thanks a lot Maikeru, appreciate this. :smiley: hmm… it looks like it’s just basic shadowing. Does it work as PSSM as well as the author stated?

Yes, I already checked out Tobias’ Render Pipeline project and we found out that there was some minor issues with his setup on Windows (I think) so I’m now stalled and open to other options but still highly consider his work. I also suggested some optimization methods to him if possible and he’d be willing to work something new. :smiley:

I can’t see any mention of PSSM by Manou.

Looking at the code, it looks to me like its just got the one shadow buffer, which from what I recall of that technique, you need to render the scene from different viewpoints. I could be very wrong though :slight_smile:

Yes, that’s why I’ve been meaning to ask :slight_smile: and evidently he’s being vague about this unless there are other terms of ‘parallel’ related to shadows other than parallel split…

I guess better wait for the latest RenderPipeline sample fix or tinker with fabiom’s solution

Perhaps they were simply referring to the shadows running parallel to each other in 3D space–neither converging nor diverging–thus showing that they accurately model the shadows cast from a directional light, and not a point light.

Which issue was preventing you from using the RenderPipeline, again? :slight_smile:

Hey Tobias, it’s on the actual thread, I mean this one: Oh my god!

