DirectEntry position?

This is probably a very stupid question.
I am trying to code a login screen.
I found the DirectEntry object and it seemed perfect to hold the login/password information.

But I could not found how to move it around, when I try setPos method, or informing pos argument in the initiation, it gives me the following error:

“TypeError: NodePath.setPos() argument 1 must be NodePath, not float”

the code is:

passwordField = DirectEntry(
                text = "",
                numLines = 1,
                obscured = True,

I looked at the reference, but couldn’t really find any method to move to a given position. Is it possible or do I need to use a different approach?

Thanks in advance.

Actually giving the position with a 2-tuple gives that error… With DirectGui I tipically set positions with 3-tuples, so the following works:

from direct.gui.DirectGui import *
import direct.directbase.DirectStart
passwordField = DirectEntry( 
                text = "", 
                numLines = 1, 
                obscured = True, 
                pos=( .5, 0, .5 ) 

Thank you a lot.

Pretty strange since most of other gui itens use 2 position input.