Difference between ObjectType and Collide?

Hi. I am using the Panda3D Maya exporter tool by SweetRatt. When I add a “barrier” tag to a collision and convert the maya file to an egg, the collision tag will be <ObjectType> { barrier } which is sometimes fine, but for things such as stairs I have to change the tag to <Collide> { Polyset descend level }.

What’s the difference if any?

Object types are usually just abbreviations for specific other tag definitions and are defined in pandas config files and the egg loader.
barrier for example maps to: <collide> { Polyset descend }

For more information of the object types you can check the eggSyntax.txt file or the manual topic “The Egg Syntax”

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The default object types are defined in Confauto.prc:

# The following lines define some handy object types to use within the
# egg syntax.  This remaps <ObjectType> { name } into whatever egg
# syntax is given by egg-object-type-name, which makes a handy
# abbreviation for modeling packages (like Maya) to insert
# sophisticated egg syntax into the generated egg file, using a single
# object type string.

egg-object-type-portal          <Scalar> portal { 1 }
egg-object-type-polylight       <Scalar> polylight { 1 }
egg-object-type-seq24           <Switch> { 1 } <Scalar> fps { 24 }
egg-object-type-seq12           <Switch> { 1 } <Scalar> fps { 12 }
egg-object-type-indexed         <Scalar> indexed { 1 }
egg-object-type-seq10           <Switch> { 1 } <Scalar> fps { 10 }
egg-object-type-seq8            <Switch> { 1 } <Scalar> fps { 8 }
egg-object-type-seq6            <Switch> { 1 } <Scalar>  fps { 6 }
egg-object-type-seq4            <Switch> { 1 } <Scalar>  fps { 4 }
egg-object-type-seq2            <Switch> { 1 } <Scalar>  fps { 2 }

egg-object-type-binary          <Scalar> alpha { binary }
egg-object-type-dual            <Scalar> alpha { dual }
egg-object-type-glass           <Scalar> alpha { blend_no_occlude }

# These are just shortcuts to define the Model and DCS flags, which
# indicate nodes that should not be flattened out of the hierarchy
# during the conversion process.  DCS goes one step further and
# indicates that the node's transform is important and should be
# preserved (DCS stands for Dynamic Coordinate System).  Notouch is
# even stronger, and means not to do any flattening below the node at
# all.
egg-object-type-model           <Model> { 1 }
egg-object-type-dcs             <DCS> { 1 }
egg-object-type-notouch         <DCS> { no_touch }

# The following define various kinds of collision geometry.  These
# mark the geometry at this level and below as invisible collision
# polygons, which can be used by Panda's collision system to detect
# collisions more optimally than regular visible polygons.
egg-object-type-barrier         <Collide> { Polyset descend }
egg-object-type-sphere          <Collide> { Sphere descend }
egg-object-type-invsphere       <Collide> { InvSphere descend }
egg-object-type-tube            <Collide> { Tube descend }

# As above, but these are flagged to be "intangible", so that they
# will trigger an event but not stop an object from passing through.
egg-object-type-trigger         <Collide> { Polyset descend intangible }
egg-object-type-trigger-sphere  <Collide> { Sphere descend intangible }

# "floor" and "dupefloor" define the nodes in question as floor
# polygons.  dupefloor means to duplicate the geometry first so that
# the same polygons serve both as visible geometry and as collision
# polygons.
egg-object-type-floor           <Collide> { Polyset descend level }
egg-object-type-dupefloor       <Collide> { Polyset keep descend level }

# "bubble" puts an invisible bubble around an object, but does not
# otherwise remove the geometry.
egg-object-type-bubble          <Collide> { Sphere keep descend }

# "ghost" turns off the normal collide bit that is set on visible
# geometry by default, so that if you are using visible geometry for
# collisions, this particular geometry will not be part of those
# collisions--it is ghostlike.
egg-object-type-ghost           <Scalar> collide-mask { 0 }

# "glow" is useful for halo effects and things of that ilk.  It
# renders the object in add mode instead of the normal opaque mode.
egg-object-type-glow            <Scalar> blend { add }
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