I’m attempting to build a distributable demo via deploy-ng, and I’ve hit a problem:
According to the documentation, having created a “setup.py” file, I should run “python setup.py bdist_apps”. Unfortunately, when I do that it produces the following error:
error: invalid command 'bdist_apps'
Doing a bit of research, I found this thread. In that thread, Moguri asks after the value for “panda3d” in the output of “python.exe -m pip list”. In my case… there is no entry for “panda3d”.
Now, I’m using a home-built version of the “deploy-ng” branch of Panda3D 1.10. Specifically, I built it using the “–installer” parameter. Thinking that perhaps this was the problem, I tried to build it with “–wheel” instead–but that brings me back to the problem that I previously described in this post. (In short, while “libpython2.7.so” does exist on my system, it’s not located where “ldd” seems to expect it to be. I could make a link to it, but I’m concerned that this might just patch over an unknown and possibly-more-serious problem.)
So, what might I do in order to get deploy-ng working on my system?
(I’m doing this under Ubuntu 16.04 (“Xenial”).)