Daily Snapshots (Buildbot)

OK, repositories for Debian/Ubuntu set-up.
To install, you’ll need to create a file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/panda3d.list and put the following line in it.

For Ubuntu:

deb https://archive.panda3d.org/ubuntu/ SUITE-dev main

Where SUITE-dev is the codename of your Ubuntu release followed by “-dev”, like lucid-dev or maverick-dev.

For Debian:

deb https://archive.panda3d.org/debian/ SUITE-dev main

Where SUITE-dev is the codename of your Debian release followed by “-dev”, like lenny-dev or squeeze-dev.

The repositories are updated at the same time as a new build is published on the buildbot page.

The reason for the -dev suffix is that I can add regular release builds there, too, without the -dev suffix.

Note: the SDK package is now named panda3d1.7 instead of panda3d! So if you want to upgrade to it, you’ll need to manually install the panda3d1.7 package.