Could not create a GLSL compute shader

I am trying to add some test that is using my shader and get those errors, any idea why?
I am using Xvfb as a screen

Xlib: extension “XFree86-DGA” missing on display “:99”.
:display:gsg:glgsg(error): Could not create a GLSL compute shader.
Assertion failed: _supports_compute_shaders at line 6937 of panda/src/glstuff/glGraphicsStateGuardian_src.cxx

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Hi, welcome to the community!

That means your driver doesn’t support compute shaders (or at least under this configuration). Show the output with notify-level-glgsg debug enabled for more information.

If you’re trying to do headless rendering, I suggest using the EGL back-end, with load-display p3headlessgl in your Config.prc.