Hi, I want to create a 2d circular loading bar. I’ve tried with a LineSegs that draw lines in a circular way, and it do the job, but not perfectly if I have to say it.
I use this function like argument of a LerpFunc (step 0 to self._BAR_STEPS)
def _update_loading_bar(self, step):
a = angleRadians * step / self._BAR_STEPS
y = math.sin(a)
x = math.cos(a)
pos = (x, 0, y)
node = self._line_seg.create()
# if self._bar_node_path != None:
# self._bar_node_path.removeNode()
self._bar_node_path = render2d.attachNewNode(node)
The result have jagged edges even with self._BAR_STEPS very high. Is there a better way to achieve something like this? Thanks in advance.
One problem that jumps out is that if you don’t call _update_loading_bar for every step, a line segment may jump a few steps forward. So, you’d have to create a line segment for every intermediate step since the last one.
One other idea that comes to mind:
You could create an image of a circle, and then cut out a few degrees of it. Then, you can replicate that image except rotate it 5 degrees around the centre every step.
This seems a pretty good idea! I’m not familiar with shaders in Panda3d so I don’t know all the achievable things with it.
I’ve tried the code you share and I’m wondering: what if I have to change the “progress” parameter of the shader with a LerpFunc?
[EDIT] It works with a LerpFunc. Thanks a lot for the help!
Hi again! I have some trouble running this shader on a ubuntu 14.04. In the first place it gave this error:
:display:gsg:glgsg(error): An error occurred while compiling shader created-shader
0:4(19): error: `in' qualifier in declaration of `p3d_Vertex' only valid for function parameters in GLSL 1.10
0:5(27): error: `in' qualifier in declaration of `p3d_MultiTexCoord0' only valid for function parameters in GLSL 1.10
0:6(18): error: `out' qualifier in declaration of `texcoord' only valid for function parameters in GLSL 1.10
:display:gsg:glgsg(error): An error occurred while compiling shader created-shader
0:2(15): error: `out' qualifier in declaration of `color' only valid for function parameters in GLSL 1.10
0:3(17): error: `in' qualifier in declaration of `texcoord' only valid for function parameters in GLSL 1.10
After installing 3.0 Mesa 9.0.3 on the system it gave:
:display:gsg:glgsg(error): An error occurred while compiling shader created-shader
0:4(19): error: `in' qualifier in declaration of `p3d_Vertex' only valid for function parameters in (null).
0:5(27): error: `in' qualifier in declaration of `p3d_MultiTexCoord0' only valid for function parameters in (null).
0:6(18): error: `out' qualifier in declaration of `texcoord' only valid for function parameters in (null).
It looks like there are some thing deprecated or not compatible with GLSL current version…any ideas?