changing object that has from CollideMask on it [solved]

I have adapted the bitmask example code ( so that instead of changing which object the ray is colliding with, I am changing which object is colliding with the smiley. The masks appear correct, but it is not showing collisions, so I am wondering what I did wrong. Thanks for any hints you can give me. Cheers, Maria

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText, TextNode
from panda3d.core import CollisionTraverser
from panda3d.core import CollisionHandlerQueue, CollisionNode, BitMask32
from panda3d.core import CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionRay
from panda3d.core import Plane, Vec3, Point3
class World(DirectObject):
    def __init__(self):
        # Create a traverser that Panda3D will automatically use every frame.
        base.cTrav = CollisionTraverser()
        # Create a handler for the events.
        self.collHandler = CollisionHandlerQueue()
        # use one bitmast for smiley, change whether from mask is on 
        # frowney or ray, so frowney and ray change from mask between 
        # noMask and good mask
        self.goodMask = BitMask32(0x1)
        self.noMask = BitMask32(0x0)
        # Start with checking collisions between smiley and frowney
        # (0 is ray, 1 is frowney)
        self.maskList = ["ray", "frowney"]
        self.maskPosition = 1
        # Create a collision sphere. Since the models we'll be colliding
        # are basically the same we can get away with just creating one
        # collision solid and adding the same solid to both collision nodes.
        collSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, 1.5)
        # Make a smiley.
        smiley = loader.loadModel('smiley')
        smiley.setPos(-3, 3, 3)
        smileyCollisionNP = self.makeCollisionNodePath(smiley, collSphere)
        # Like with the floor plane we need to set the into mask.
        # Here we shortcut getting the actual collision node.
        self.smileyCollisionNode = smileyCollisionNP.node()
        # Make a frowney.
        frowney = loader.loadModel('frowney')
        frowney.setPos(-3, 3, 5)
        frowneyCollisionNP = self.makeCollisionNodePath(frowney, collSphere)
        # Set a from mask for frowney so we can change whether we are looking
        # for collisions from frowney or ray
        self.frowneyCollisionNode = frowneyCollisionNP.node()
        # set into mask so never collides with frowney
        # start with frowney colliding with smiley
        # add frowney to collider
        base.cTrav.addCollider(frowneyCollisionNP, self.collHandler)
        # Note that we didn't set a from collide mask for previous objects
        # since we're not adding them to the traverser as from objects.
        # Make a collision ray that passes through all of the objects.
        self.pointerNode = render.attachNewNode("Main Collider")
        self.pointerNode.setPos(-3, 3, 10)
        # Create a ray collision solid that points downwards.
        raySolid = CollisionRay(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)
        mainCollisionNP = self.makeCollisionNodePath(self.pointerNode, raySolid)
        self.mainCollisionNode = mainCollisionNP.node()
        # rays can't be into objects, so don't worry about into mask
        # Set a from collide mask for this ray so that we can selectively
        # collide against the other objects. Start with ray not colliding
        # with smiley
        base.cTrav.addCollider(mainCollisionNP, self.collHandler)
        # Set up the camera.
        base.disableMouse(), -20, 5), 0, 5)
        # Debug mode for collision traversers; shows collisions visually.
        print('ray', self.mainCollisionNode.getFromCollideMask())
        print('smiley', self.smileyCollisionNode.getIntoCollideMask())
        print('frowney', self.frowneyCollisionNode.getFromCollideMask())

        # Setup the title text.
        collideText = self.maskList[self.maskPosition]
        self.title = OnscreenText(text="Colliding with %s" % (collideText),
                                  pos=(0.3, 0),
                                  fg=(1, 1, 1, 1))
        OnscreenText(text="Press space to change collision mask",
                     pos=(0, 0.8),
        # Set space to change the from collision mask of the collision ray.
        base.accept("space", self.switchCollisionMask)
    def makeCollisionNodePath(self, nodepath, solid):
        Creates a collision node and attaches the collision solid to the
        supplied NodePath. Returns the nodepath of the collision node.
        # Creates a collision node named after the name of the NodePath.
        collNode = CollisionNode("%s c_node" % nodepath.getName()) 
        collisionNodepath = nodepath.attachNewNode(collNode)
        # Show the collision node, which makes the solids show up.
        return collisionNodepath
    def switchCollisionMask(self):
        # need a way to see who has noMask and who has goodMask,
        # then reverse them.
        # maskPosition 0 for ray, 1 for frowney
        if self.maskPosition == 1:
            self.maskPosition = 0
            self.maskPosition = 1
        self.title.setText("Colliding with %s" % (self.maskList[self.maskPosition]))
        print('ray', self.mainCollisionNode.getFromCollideMask())
        print('smiley', self.smileyCollisionNode.getIntoCollideMask())
        print('frowney', self.frowneyCollisionNode.getFromCollideMask())
world = World()

The Entries from the CollisionHandlerQueue was flipping between the two as would be expected, so I played with moving frowney around, and apparently frowney and smiley were overlapping too much to let the collision show. Oops.

And, of course, the better way to do this is to change into the mask of the smiley between unique from masks on the ray and the frowney, so you are only changing one mask every time through.