Cannot import libpandaexpress.dll

Finally I got it!

Now I have the .exe file and its installer.But I think thats a problem, cause I cannot have another files in the same directory.

There was another problem, when I carry the .exe to other computer, this application didn´t open, but it began to install panda3d rev 1. This is normal? even when if I don´t open the .exe directly but clicking the check box of the installer “run arreglando” that runs normally, without install the re 1?(only runs of this way the the first time)

I wonder if there it`s a shorter way to get the application, cause next to win32, that continues producing another files those I do not need.

That´s almost solved.

Of course you can have additional files in the same directory. You can should put the files that are needed for your application there.

It’s not actually “installing” Panda3D in the sense that you’re thinking. It’s just unpacking the files that it needs to run. It can’t run without doing this the first time. This is perfectly normal.


Do ya mean that every .exe file produced in panda3d will start unpacking the files that it needs to run?

But why reason if I run it from the installer it does not occur?

And next to it I search for the application shown, which is inside “C:\Program Files\arreglando”, I get it, but this begans to do this: “Installing Panda3d rev 1” from Internet, then If I carry my .exe to a computer without internet, then my program will not work?

I believe you will want to run pdeploy in “installer” mode with the -s option, this should address all of your concerns. It will be fully self-contained and will not require unpacking.

Look, I wanna get a .exe file to carry it toward whatever computer which has not panda3d or python, nothing of that stuff, without doing any thing else.

A time ago you posted about adding -s, now I understand what you mean. You wrote down “see -h for more details”, but I didn´t get something, can you explain me what is -h -s and all that stuff?

He meant to run “pdeploy -h”. The -h option is a standard convention from Unix, and observed by all Panda3D command-line tools, to print a page of help on how to use the tool.



But if I want to do use “-h” here in this example, where can I put this? C:…>pdeploy -v 0.1 -s arreglando.p3d installer

Is it not a problem if there is -s too?
Only can I use it to build a installer? or this works with the standalone too?

C:…>pdeploy -h

Use no other parameters when you specify -h. The -h tells the program not to do its normal function, but instead to display help. (In fact, you can include the normal parameters anyway, but they’ll be ignored.)


Then -h is not usefull for me, I need -s because I want a stanalone to be use for everybody (people who barely to know how to start-up a PC!)

Yes, use -s. And use -h to understand how to use -s.

Ok Thanks!

Now I can Get the installer without a problem.