C++ tutorials are ready to be released! (www.panda3d.org.cn)

C++ tutorials are ready to be released!

I have written almost all the classical sample programs, listed in the catalog of panda3d.org/manual/index.php … stribution
, with c++. Of course, because python classes have more functionalities than c++ classes do, I have ignored some advanced features in python codes, such as OOBE, bufferViewer, CommonFilters, and etc.

The c++ tutorials are translated from python codes with certain conditions:

  1. We are not going to reinvent new algorithms, so we copy almost all the program structures, variables, functions and control flow directly from python programs.
  2. For some python library functions, they are mapped into c++ library functions.
  3. For simplicity, some c++ classes are just given in skeletons. However, they do work! You can provide refinements for those c++ classes by yourselves.
  4. For comments, you can look up in python codes.
  5. We do not pay attention to code optimization, we only do simple translations.

We have rearranged the order for c++ tutorials, they are listed below:
Tutorial 1 – Solar: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Solar System panda3d.org/manual/index.php … lar_System
Tutorial 2 – Actor: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Boxing Robots
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … ing_Robots
Tutorial 3 – Joint: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Looking and Gripping
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … d_Gripping
Tutorial 4 – Lighting: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Disco Lights
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … sco_Lights
Tutorial 5 – Fog: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Infinite Tunnel
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … ite_Tunnel
Tutorial 6 - Bump Mapping: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Normal Mapping
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … al_Mapping
Tutorial 7 - Texture Movies: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Texture Swapping
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … e_Swapping
Tutorial 8 - Texture Movies II: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Texture Swapping
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … e_Swapping
Tutorial 9 - Toon Shading: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Cartoon Shader
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … oon_Shader
Tutorial 10 - Glow Filter: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Glow Filter
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … low_Filter
Tutorial 11 - Task: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Asteroids
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … _Asteroids
Tutorial 12 - Carousel: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Carousel
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … :_Carousel
Tutorial 13 - Render-to-Texture: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Teapot on TV
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … apot_on_TV
Tutorial 14 - Media Player: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Media Player
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … dia_Player
Tutorial 15 - Distortion Effect: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Distortion
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … ction=edit
Tutorial 16 - Fireflies using Deferred Shading: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Fireflies
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … _Fireflies
Tutorial 17 - Musicbox(sounds): it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Music Box
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … _Music_Box
Tutorial 18 - Making a Cube Procedurally: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Procedural Cube
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … dural_Cube
Tutorial 19 - Shadow: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Shadows
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … s:_Shadows
Tutorial 20 - Procdurally Making a Tree: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Fractal Plants
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … tal_Plants
Tutorial 21 - Roaming Ralph (Walking on Uneven Terrain): it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Roaming Ralph
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … ming_Ralph
Tutorial 22 - Collision Detection: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Ball in Maze
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … ll_in_Maze
Tutorial 23 - Mouse Picking: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Chessboard
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … Chessboard
Tutorial 24 - FPS Simulation
Tutorial 25 - Motion Trails: it is a c++ map of Sample Programs: Motion Trails
panda3d.org/manual/index.php … ion_Trails
As for c++ map of Sample Programs: Particles, you can find them in my previous posts.
During the coding, our forum has given me a lot of help.

Now, the c++ tutorials for Panda3D are ready to be published. However, I ask for your helps to release these codes…“deleted by author”


This is awesome, thank you!

Thank you for your praise. It is a better way to understand Panda3D. I found there are lots of request for c++ program, so decide to contribute them to forums.

…“deleted by author”

Have you reached the hit mark yet ? Any update on the release date of the tutorials ??? Please let us know.

Oh, I also want to know the answer earnestly. This truely need the help of our forums. I sincerely wait for the answer. It depends on you, your friends, all friends that love Chinese poems and c++ coding for panda3d!

Would you mind speeding up?

I have a counter offer, release the first 1 source and bin, and we wont just report you to the mods for trying to advertise a website :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, QQ is a very famous website in China, it does not need advertising (Ranked 9 by Alexa).

As for my website, what I try to advertise is to help each other for Panda3D fellows.

Thank you for your click! I need more. Waiting is a kind of beauty.

Man … we poor fellows are starving here … please have some compassion …

Follow the clicks, you will find your rich dad. :smiley:

I think the point is you are using the Panda forum to advertise your non-Panda related website. There may not be any formal rules written for the Panda forum, but generally that is not an acceptable use for a forum.

Even if it was, 100,000 hits? This forum has MAYBE 100 active users. Do you see anyone else asking for something in return for their help? Perhaps next time you have a problem we could request that our personal website get some hits before you receive any assistance?

@teedee: Well said.

I basically do not understand why drw and other experts of Panda who are still in the forum - did not give effort to fill up the C++ side of the manual - which is in fact ruining the popularity of the engine for use in projects involving C++

Quite wrong, in the wrong opinion, Panda3D is just a C++/Python library rather than a game engine that need creative support from various cultures!

Who will play the library? We want to play a kind of culture! :unamused:

If you want to grasp the Panda3D, studing is more important than reading.

Mannual is yesterday, focusing on tomorrow! That is your obligation.

We are going to construct a Chinese forum for panda3d fellows, the domain names are panda3d.org.cn and panda3d.cn.

Can someone provide us some information about free web hosts?

I found there has a team introduction for ogre:

I had searched all the forums of panda3d, only got a faculty photo (maybe)!

Can you give us more detail information about the development team, improtant participants and contributors?

Actually, I must comment that the poems are very interesting! I’ve just bookmarked em, and will be back for more :smiley:

Thank U, the really interesting thing is Chinese cultures.

As for our profession, the future of Panda3D is more interesting! 8)

You know this is blackmail right? lmfao, that’s really sad.

If you have to resort to blackmail to get hits for your poems, maybe you should write better poems.

I just pave the path, people will write better poems! Do you believe? If there is no way for the first, there will be no way for the better. :smiley:

Oh, by the way, we are going to chage the way to publish those poems! As for publication, it is not the right time!

The goal of my poems is: giving us a target to aim at. :smiley: