C++ tutorials are ready to be released! (www.panda3d.org.cn)


Hello, can you please point me to his thread ? :cry:



Thanks Atari314 - you are just great and so is Dri.

Only hope he continue on sharing more C++ examples with us. :slight_smile:


Not bad, he is not only a man, but also a male-panda. Lovely panda3d fellows.

Some work still remains, keep on! By the way, I can give all the coding credits to the real male-pandas or female-pandas!

I think, the honour belongs to Dri, the story belongs to forum, the future belongs to us. :smiley:

We had finished designing the architecture of the website, which has about 100-200 web pages to construct (in Chinese). We hope we can have more Panda fellows in the future. :smiley:

We have finished constructing Chinese website for panda3d.

We are on line now.

However, the website is under Registration required by the Chinese governement. Waiting…

Happy new year!

Test Address:

Now, www.panda3d.org.cn is online, we hope it will be a bridge to Panda3d’s Chinese fans and fellows.

C++ is a general purpose programming language. Great discovery for Chinese!

Thank you. English and Chinese are very important language. Enjoy it.

This is great for those just getting started. Thank you!