Built halts at Bison compilation step

I migrated to a Mac OS and it appears I broke something. Anyhow I am trying to get a build of Panda3D going again on Big Sur. (I have done gotten panda3d to build on Big Sur before but upgraded my computer and may have broke something in doing that). It’s stopping early in the build when it tries to use bison: Here is the whole compile stream:

Office-Mac:panda3d paustian$  cd /Users/paustian/Documents/ComputingProjects/panda3d ; /usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/python3 /Users/paustian/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2021.5.842923320/pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy/launcher 50810 -- /Users/paustian/Documents/ComputingProjects/panda3d/makepanda/makepanda.py --everything --no-fmod --optimize=1 
Version: 1.11.0
Platform: macosx-10.9-x86_64
Using Python 3.8
Target OS: darwin
Target arch: x86_64
WARNING: Could not locate thirdparty package fftw, excluding from build
WARNING: Could not locate thirdparty package gles, excluding from build
WARNING: Could not locate thirdparty package gles2, excluding from build
WARNING: Could not locate thirdparty package egl, excluding from build
WARNING: Could not locate pkg-config package gtk+-2.0, excluding from build
Generating dependencies...
WARNING: file depends on Python but is not in an ABI-specific directory: built/bin/deploy-stub
WARNING: file depends on Python but is not in an ABI-specific directory: built/bin/deploy-stubw
[  0%] Building C++ object built/tmp/p3dtoolbase_composite1.o
[  0%] Building C++ object built/tmp/p3dtoolbase_composite2.o
[  0%] Building C object built/tmp/p3dtoolbase_lookup3.o
[  0%] Building C++ object built/tmp/p3dtoolbase_indent.o
[  0%] Building C++ object built/tmp/p3dtoolutil_composite1.o
[  0%] Building C++ object built/tmp/p3dtoolutil_composite2.o
[  1%] Building Objective-C++ object built/tmp/p3dtoolutil_filename_assist.o
[  1%] Building C++ object built/tmp/p3dtool_dtool.o
[  1%] Linking dynamic library built/lib/libp3dtool.dylib
[  1%] Building Bison object built/tmp/p3cppParser_cppBison.o
Storing dependency cache.
Elapsed Time: 24 sec
The following command returned a non-zero value: bison -y -d -obuilt/tmp/cppBison.yxx.c -p cppyy dtool/src/cppparser/cppBison.yxx
Build terminated.

Any help appreciated.

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at the ‘Could not locate thirdparty package’ messages is that you misplaced the dependencies or forgot about them.

What happens if you copy paste the bison command and run it straight from the terminal?

It runs just fine

Here is the error I am seeing from Bison
[ 1%] Building Bison object built/tmp/p3cppParser_cppBison.o
bison -y -d -obuilt/tmp/cppBison.yxx.c -p cppyy dtool/src/cppparser/cppBison.yxx
Process exited with exit status 255 and signal code 115

Ah solved it. I forgot to set my PYTHONPATH variable. Once that was set, the build proceeded. I would be happy to polish up my notes so that someone else could set up a Mac OS X build more easily. Would that be useful?

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Should makepanda perhaps automatically be setting PYTHONPATH to something? What did you need to set it to? I am a little confused since I did not know bison required this to be set—I have never encountered anything like that. There may be something specific about your installation that necessitated this.