I checked out panda3d from github, and built it using the following command to get a debian package that I could use with Python 3:
python3 makepanda/makepanda.py --threads 8 --everything --installer --use-assimp --assimp-incdir ${ASSIMP_INC} --assimp-libdir ${ASSIMP_LIB}
However, I notice that when I install the deb package, there are no shared object libraries in “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/panda3d”. When I compare to the same trunk source built for Python 2, I find a whole bunch of shared objects. So I’m assuming that the Python 3 build is erroneous.
I’m pretty sure the libs didn’t even build for Python 3 - if I go to the root panda3d source folder after a Python 3 build and type:
find . -name "core.so" -type f
I don’t get anything. Doing the same on a Python 2 build gives me a few locations for the library.
Did I make some error in forming my args? Or is there an error in the build process for Python 3?