Browser plugin nearing completion

I think psyco would be a good package for this list however it appears that it doesn’t work with any 64-bit system.

would it make sense to integrate egg’s ( to the system panda is using?

Hum. Tempting, a little bit, but I’m not sure how to make it work. Setuptools was designed to integrate into an installed Python distribution; whereas the Panda plugin runs in its own little sandbox, with an embedded Python interpreter and no Python directory structure to speak of.

Trying to force setuptools’ system to work with Panda’s system would be a classic example of squeezing a square peg into a round hole. It’s probably possible, but the scars would be epic.


If we are suggesting modules to have by default in the plugin system may I request numpy/scipy? ( Slightly esoteric I know as its a scientific computation library, but its got arbitrary dimension arrays and truck loads of optimizers etc. which are really useful for accelerating certain kinds of computation, especially of the parallel kind. Obviously theres a bit of overlap with what Panda already provides, but I can see it being rather useful for DIY particle systems, procedural geometry/textures, and AI. (All of which I would traditionally drop down into c++ to do, but thats a mighty inconvenient option for a browser plugin.) (I’ve never actually done this with Panda, but use scipy all the time at work for all sorts of far crazier stuff. Admittedly my favorite feature, scipy.weave, would have to be disabled unless you plan to ship an entire c++ compiler into the game system as well, but its really the ability to do repeated large dataset calculation quickly and optimize arbitrary functions that I’m after here.)

i dont think that it’s reasonable that every possible 3th party package is maintained by panda3d. iirc it is possible to add lib’s to a p3d package on your own, but to have it platform independant it will need the lib for all platforms included (or (down)-loaded separately). is this correct?

summary of suggestions and other possible libs to include:

  • pygame
  • scipy/numeric
  • panda-physx
  • box2d
  • PIL
  • twisted
  • xml
  • database connection libs (mysql, , etc.)
  • python-opencl
  • vtk (
  • cgal (

Yes, this is correct; and furthermore the user will have to be conscious of the version of Python in use (2.6) and install it properly for all supported platforms.

It is therefore burdensome to the user to have to add a third-party python lib to his p3d package. It also, of course, burdensome to the panda3d maintainer (rdb) to pre-add these third-party python libs, because he has to guess which libraries are needed and install them on each supported platform.

As you point out, it is certainly impossible to support every possible package. But I think it is fair to support a reasonable number of commonly-used packages, to make it easier for 95% of Panda developers. The other 5% can go through the extra effort required to add their desired packages to their p3d files.


I’ve just put up a new plugin release. Download links:
Windows: … -0.9.8.exe
Mac OSX: … -0.9.8.dmg

I think the OSX build should work on PPC now as well, please test it if you have a ppc mac machine.
Here are some demos: (thanks go to Xidram for building the demo pages)
I have yet to add more of those.

Furthermore, I’ve added the following extra packages as requested: sqlite, numpy, pygame, twisted, pil, pyopengl, httplib2, pycurl. The last two don’t work on Windows yet for some reason.

Please report any problems you might encounter.

Good stuff! Sadly, it does not run on my PPC mac. It can’t even load the plugin itself, nor can it run /usr/bin/panda3d–gcc shows a bus error occurring in NSApplicationLoad, which we do call at static init time. But I haven’t seen it crash when this call is made in my own build, so I’m not sure what the problem is.

It might be a version issue, more than an architecture issue: my PPC mac is also running 10.4. Does anyone have a PPC running 10.5?


Has WxPython been added as an extra package?

wxPython is available, use “-r wx” to the packp3d command line to add it to your p3d file.

However, the wx package only appears to be defined on Windows builds right now. The Linux and Mac builds lack it.

Note that you may need to get a new packp3d file from .


My project presentation took place today.
So I am here to thank you for all the support and for this great plug-in. The presentations were very interesting, people used many different IDEs (XNA, irrlitch, ogre and even a group that developed an IDE based on stick draws). My group was the only one using panda 3d…

I fell like I should give you some kind of feedback so here are the problems my group found (I was programming the spell animations so I did not work much on this):

  • all the models had to be in the same directory as the code in order to be imported.
  • We have no idea where our sql database ended up hosted.
  • We could not load txt files together with the p3d file (“solved” since we could just read them from the DB)
  • Also there was a model (a big yellow arrow) that wouldn’t load in the p3d version of the program.

I guess that is it, thanks for all the Help.

This is probably going to be a really stupid post.

I’m trying to test out putting little demos into the plug-in. The manual entry on this was great for explaining things but I can’t find a copy of packp3d.p3d anywhere and my attempts to download it from some of the links result in time-outs or crashes.

I’m assuming that packp3d.p3d will be included in 1.7.0 and that the manual is just writing about the way it will work once it’s out.

You can download the interim version of packp3d.p3d from . But yeah, it will also be part of the 1.7 release.


getting a “this application has not been signatured, there is no way of knowing who wrote it- press cancel to not run it” error for asteroid and ball in a maze demo. pluginversino is 0.9.8.

Hm. I’m guessing I signed it with my old certificate, that has recently been revoked by Thawte.
I’ll resign and upload them soon.

For the record, plugin version 0.9.10 is already in the PPA. Instructions how to install it can be found here: … orm=ubuntu
And for 64-bits karmic, the buildbot also has daily builds of the plugin.

Thanks for the link to packp3d.p3d.

I couldn’t get packp3d to actually pack from the commandline like the manual says- I kept getting a Windows pop-up error message that said:
“Runs 3-D games and interactive applets has stopped working…”

I’m having other problems now. I upgraded my plug-in to 0.9.8 for Windows 32 and now it crashes Chrome, Firefox, and IE which I never use.

I previously had 0.9.7 which ran tagger and the demos fine on Chrome and Firefox- don’t know about IE, I didn’t try. To get 0.9.8 I uninstalled 0.9.7 using the uninstall exe in the panda3d folder then went back into tagger to download the plug-in again.

Er, 0.9.8 is a bit outdated already. I’ll put up an official 0.9.10 release this week.

You should try the daily plugin snapshot from:
Choose the “Runtime Build”.

ok, got the new runtime, packed a p3d file. Got it working. I uploaded it to p3dp to test this out.

I copied David’s code from tagger. Got it to load it. The next hurdle was the certificate business.

I read through the manual about the certificates. But then came the frustrations- openssl doesn’t have any out-of-the-box binaries for Windows. They just offer source. But I don’t have any complier on my windows box and think this is overkill. I found something of a compiled version and got it to create a .pem file with the

openssl genrsa 1024 > cert.pem

command. But the next command failed:

C:\openssl\bin>openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 365 -key cert.pem >> cert.pem
Unable to load config info from /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf

I’ve looked through the internet for this error but no luck on a solution. And the file in question somehow didn’t make it into the build I downloaded. I tried packp3d anyway to see what would happen but it didn’t like the .pem file.

I have PGP on my system but can’t figure out how to get it to export a .pem file. Anyone have any ideas? I just want to test the thing, I don’t need or want it to be uber secure at this point.

Er, openssl.exe should be shipped in Panda’s “bin” dir. Also, there’s a website that offers binary downloads of OpenSSL, Google for “Win32 OpenSSL”.

However, it’s easier to get yourself a trusted certificate. You can get a free one from Comodo: … icate.html

Thanks rdb,

I still couldn’t get openssl to work but comodo worked after some goading. So I loaded up some shaders I’ve been working on. My HTML really sucks at the moment, I’ve forgotten everything so bear with me. I have 3 programs up.