[Beta] CEGUI 0.7.5 in Python


With Panda 1.8.1 and PyCEGUI 0.7.5 (on Fedora and Windows 7, both 64bit) I’ve run into the following problem running the test code.

First, it fails in line 31,



RuntimeError: CEGUI::InvalidRequestException in file CEGUIDefaultResourceProvider.cpp(91) : DefaultResourceProvider::load: Filename supplied for data loading must be valid

Has anyone had this problem, or knows how to get it working?

Not sure if it’s relevant, but if I then try loading simply “VanillaSkin”, it says ./datafiles/schemes/VanillaSkin does not exist (understandably), but THEN if I try loading “VanillaSkin.scheme” again, it works… except it then fails at

self.CEGUI.setDefaultMouseCursor("Vanilla-Images", "MouseArrow")


RuntimeError: CEGUI::UnknownObjectException in file ../../cegui/include/CEGUINamedXMLResourceManager.h(279) : NamedXMLResourceManager::get: No object of type "Imageset" named "Vanilla-Images" is present in the collection.

Has anyone modified this succesfully to work with two windows?

I’ve tried to tweak around in the offered pcegui file, but I keep getting issues like textures swapping places etc.

For information, I got

CEGUI::RendererException in file ..\..\..\..\cegui\src\RendererModules\OpenGL\CEGUIOpenGLTexture.cpp(205) : OpenGLTexture::setTextureSize: size too big

when trying to create an image

customImageset = self.CEGUI.ImageSetManager.createFromImageFile("TempImagesettgt", "/ships/ship1.png", "images")

into a thread.
The same creation into the main thread is done right (same image, configuration,…).

I don’t know if there is a fix possible…