Audio3DManager with different .py files


We are busy creating a nice game in Python/Panda3D and we are now at the point of implementing the audio part.

After reading the documentation we decided to use the audio3dmanager.
Now i have one file, where the audio files are managed. Other .py files import this file so the function of, for instance, jumping can use the code: self.play_sound(“jump”).

Now, using the 3d audio manager, we got some nasty error:
:audio(warning): stereo sound /c/SVN/trunk/code/media/audio/tada.wav will not be spatialized
:audio(warning): stereo sound /c/SVN/trunk/code/media/audio/tada.wav will not be spatialized
:audio(warning): stereo sound /c/SVN/trunk/code/media/audio/tada.wav will not be spatialized
:audio(warning): stereo sound /c/SVN/trunk/code/media/audio/tada.wav will not be spatialized

Seems nobody at google has this error, and i have no idea at all what’s wrong with this. Everything seems right :<.


from direct.showbase import Audio3DManager
audio3d = Audio3DManager.Audio3DManager(base.sfxManagerList[0], camera)

class SoundByteWAV(object):
    sound = None
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.sound = audio3d.loadSfx('media/audio/%s.wav' % name)
class SoundByteMP3(object):
    sound = None
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.sound = audio3d.loadSfx('media/audio/%s.mp3' % name)

class AudioHelper():
    cur = ""
    sounds = {
        'jump': SoundByteWAV('tada'),
        'evil': SoundByteWAV('tada'),
        'good': SoundByteWAV('tada'),
        'streetlight': SoundByteWAV('tada')
    def play_sound(self, sound_name):
        the_sound = self.sounds[sound_name].sound
    def attach_sound(self, sound_name, object_name):
        the_sound = self.sounds[sound_name].sound
        audio3d.attachSoundToObject(the_sound, object_name)
    def loop_sound(self, sound_name, bool):
        the_sound = self.sounds[sound_name].sound

It is just as the error says, you cannot use stereo sounds for 3d audio. Convert them to mono and it will work fine.