a question in "Manipulating a Piece of a Model"

in my codes, I want to change the texture for one part of the Actor.

head = pandaActor.find(’**/XXhead’)
print head

the head is null. in commad line it is not found.

in my egg file ,like this:
character {
{ 1 }
“åœºæ™¯æ ¹” {
XXbody {

XXhead {
XXhead.verts {
0 {
-0.632292 0.0561893 10.4925
m1 { 0.218097 0.323557 }
{ -0.00736606 0.0465075 0.0912761 }
1 {
-0.0438385 0.149391 10.4925
m1 { 0.246174 0.32804 }
{ -0.00736606 0.0465075 0.0912761 }

So what should I do?
is find a member function in Actor?
what’s the parameter about find function?

I solved it via using >egg-optchar -d test -flag XXhead=head 111.egg 222.egg.

Cann’t do this using codes in program rather than using egg-optchar tool

Right, you need egg-optchar for this, because otherwise the different nodes are optimized away at load time. Egg-optchar tells Panda that you want certain nodes not to be optimized away.
