A Door to the Mists--"Depictions" Demo!

Hah, yeah, the first load or a given level can take a while, I fear! (Although I’m surprised that it’s happening with the tutorial level–that one’s rather small… o_0)

I’m tempted once again to look into threaded model-loading, which would allow me to at least put up an animation to show that the game hasn’t frozen…

But if it’s actually leaving the black overlay on-screen after the level has finished loading, then I’m surprised–I don’t think that I’ve seen that happen… o_0

Alas, I’ve been having trouble with logging, as described here. However, it looks like the fixes should be fairly simple, based on feedback in that thread, so hopefully that will be improved in the bug-fix version that I hope to post soon! (Perhaps sometime around Tuesday.)

(And note that the “log.<date-and-time>” files are not in fact the ones that I’m logging to–those were being generated unintentionally. The actual log file should be in your “app-data” directory–under Ubuntu, that should be “/.local/share/ADoorToTheMists/”, if I’m not much mistaken.

However, due to the above-mentioned logging troubles, this still likely won’t have a stack-trace in the version of the demo that you currently have.)

Hahah, I think that I’m going to add a title to that page: it doesn’t hold lore available from the start, but all lore collected during play, regardless of reloaded saves.

To explain: As you find lore in the game, it becomes available from an in-game screen (alongside the inventory). But this is tied to your current progress: reloading an old save results in the loss of any lore-entries that were found after that save. However, not so with this main-menu lore-collection: if you found it at all, it should be there.

(I may add said title in the bug-fix release; it should be simple enough, I daresay.

Thank you very much! I really appreciate that! :smiley:

Hah, I worried a bit about that! The main trick here is to know that, while you can’t walk up steep slopes, you can pretty much walk along them. So if you look at the blocks facing the entrance-gate, you should see a spot where climbing up will gain you enough height to scramble along a slope to reach another block…

(I think that I’ll consider changing that aspect of the tutorial-traversal…)

Ah, I’m sorry to read of this trouble. :/

I wasn’t aware of “getKeyboardMap”–I should look into that at some stage, indeed! Thank you for mentioning it!

(That will likely be in a later version, however, and not in this demo, I’m afraid. ^^; )

Oof, that’s a pity! Could you give me a resolution in which that happens, please? That way I can load the cutscene editor in that resolution and perhaps move things around a bit.

Thank you again–that’s really heartening to read! I hope that you have fun with it! :smiley: