Collision <Collide>{ Polyset keep descend }

So I have been looking into creating a level but before I jump right in with all the art modeling and texturing . I wanted to do some tests for performance scale and collision. So I made some terrain and dropped my level into the roaming ralph example. I have added the { Polyset keep descend } tag to the .egg file but when I run the script ralph is locked in position and will not move he will animate and the camera will change orientation but his positon will not update from the start point.

Im not sure what Im missing. I have read alot of post but i havent gained any ground. I have also used the mel script to attribute the mesh as a barrier and I acheived the same results

Here is a small part of the level egg file.

{ Y-Up }

"maya2egg2009 -p -a none -cs y-up -uo m -trans all -o "
phong1SG {
format { rgb }
wrapu { repeat }
wrapv { repeat }
minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
magfilter { linear }
20 0 0
0 20 0
0 0 1
groundPlane_transform {
12 0 0 0
0 0 12 0
0 -1 0 0
0 0 0 1
level {
start_point {
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
-119.381 3.29901 199.001 1
terrain01 {
{ Polyset keep descend }
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 -1 1
terrain0Shape1.verts {
0 {
-500 -1.11022e-013 499
{ 0 0 }
{ 0 1 0 }
{ 1 1 1 1 }
1 {
-480 -1.11022e-013 499
{ 0.02 0 }
{ 0 1 0 }
{ 1 1 1 1 }
2 {
-480 -1.06581e-013 479
{ 0.02 0.02 }
{ 0 1 0 }
{ 1 1 1 1 }

Also Im assuming that freezing transformastion on the mesh is a bad idea in that the resulted export mesh will be with out a Transform Matrix. that is not present in the above egg file but i have seen that in some tests that i have run.

FIgured it out. :laughing:

so can u pls explain what u did? cos m having quite the same problem… :frowning:

I’m having the same problem, anyone know how to fix this? I’ve added the { Polyset keep descend } tag and made sure my terrain was named “terrain” like people said to do in another thread. Still not working. My terrain is just a plane I made in 3ds max and used the “displace” modifier with a heightmap, if that makes any difference.

Someone reported a similar issue in another relatively recent thread and it was identified and solved. I don’t seem to find it right now, you might want to search the forums.
If you find it, make sure to link this thread to that one, for any future visitors with the same issue.

Ok, I got it to work. For anyone else making terrains in 3ds max (I’m using 2009) this is what worked for me.

The egg exporter for 3ds max 2009 gave me a file like this (with the collide tag added by me in wordpad):

<CoordinateSystem> { Z-Up }

<Group> character {
  <Dart> { 1 }
  <Group> "Scene Root" {
    <Group> terrain {
      <Collide> { Polyset keep descend }
      <VertexPool> terrain.verts {
        <Vertex> 0 {
          -499.631 -486.667 40.9195
          <Normal> { -0.279348 -0.396317 0.874584 }
        <Vertex> 1 {
          -499.631 -500 37.6836
          <Normal> { -0.190046 -0.304801 0.933263 }
        <Vertex> 2 {
          -486.298 -486.667 44.7534
          <Normal> { -0.234351 -0.485733 0.842106 }

I got it to work by deleting:

<Group> character {
  <Dart> { 1 }
  <Group> "Scene Root" {

and of course the two }'s at the end of the file so it’s now (with a texture):

<CoordinateSystem> { Z-Up }

<Texture> Tex1 {
  <Scalar> format { rgb }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
    <Group> terrain {
      <Collide> { Polyset keep descend }
      <VertexPool> terrain.verts {
        <Vertex> 0 {
          -499.631 -486.667 40.9195
          <UV> m1 { 0 13.3333 }
          <Normal> { -0.279348 -0.396317 0.874584 }
        <Vertex> 1 {

So apparently the terrain group can’t be nested inside another one.