Is there a method can get the time a specific key is hold?

The common way to achieve this is to make your car accelerate each frame where the key is down.
You should have a look at the Verlet integration :

# dt : the time delta between the last frame and now
# carPos : the Vec3 position of the car
# acc : the Vec3 acceleration

acc = Vec3(0,0,0)

if keyIsDown :
    acc += Vec3(0,5,0) # the car accelerates along the Y axis

acc += Vec3(0,0,-5) # gravity ?

damp = math.exp(-dt / .995) # damping effect
tempPos = Vec3(carPos)
carPos += (carPos - carLastPos) * damp + acc * dt * dt
carLastPos = tempPos

The benefit to use dt is that this code is framerate independent.

Edit :
If you want to keep an array with all the pressed keys, you can try :

# AZERTY :-)
self.keyMap = {
	'z' : 'forward',
	'q' : 'left',
	's' : 'backward',
	'd' : 'right',
	'r' : 'up',
	'v' : 'down'

self.keyDown = {}

for key in self.keyMap :
	self.keyDown[self.keyMap[key]] = 0
	self.accept(key, self.setKey, [self.keyMap[key],1])
	self.accept(key + '-up', self.setKey, [self.keyMap[key],0])


def setKey(self, key, value):
	self.keyDown[key] = value

# You can then test is a specific key is down :
if self.keyDown['forward'] :

Then, you can change your keyMap as you want without altering the code