Chicken, an Egg exporter for Blender 2.49 and lower

Well, the idea of the 1.0 release is to have feature freeze and just fix any remaining bugs (I’m pretty sure there are none left, but I still prefer to leave the possibility open). So I don’t think I’ll put this in there.
However, you can easily merge the 1.0 changes into your own version (I can help you out with this if you like). But, more importantly, reading your code just gave me a great idea for a feature I can include in the next version: that is to improve the Background export mode so it can also be called by other scripts inside Blender. This would allow your code to be split up as a separate script that calls up Chicken for every chunk it wants to export. This would give you the freedom to do whatever you want to the geometry before export without having to hack your code into Chicken’s inner workings.

If you’re interested in that approach I’ll give the highest priority to that feature as I haven’t had any other feature requests; it shouldn’t take me long.

Good news for you, if you check out the SVN trunk there’s already a module in there that allows you to invoke Chicken from any Blender script.
To install it you need to place in your scripts/bpymodules directory, and also modify the EXPORTER_NAME variable to the name of the chicken version you want to invoke.

To use it all you need is code like the following:

from chicken_interface import Invoke

Invoke('/home/user/eggfiles/file.egg', [['anim1', 30, 1, 60], ['anim2', 20, 60, 90]])

Filename and animation list are both optional. It will export all selected objects. You’ll probably only need to use the filename argument for what you’re doing, and since I’ll probably change the Background mode implementation, the arguments to this function might change, but I’ll leave the filename as the first so you don’t have to change any code you might write that uses this.