Why re-invent the wheel?

Before finding Panda I used to develop in Torque. Now that I’ve been working with Python in Panda for a while I wonder why other game engine developers such as Garage Games decided they needed to re-invent the wheel with stuff like Torque script when they could have used Python or some other pre-existing scripting language that many people already know.

So far my only real complaint with Python is the indentation rules. Some of the IDEs I have been using do not handle copy/pasted code very well and I get lots of errors because of it. Im now using PyDev on eclipse. The only other thing is not having a good IDE/world editor for Panda.

It would be really nice if these forums ran on vBulletin or some other board that has post subscription options. phpBB is good but a bit short on functionality and the search generally seems to return the same results.

I actually like Python’s indentation rules. Forces you to work neatly, and you don’t need the braces.

You can subscribe to posts here, too.

That’s being worked on. There are also several at the forums.

every engine that is not using LUA is using custom language, except panda3d.

most ide’s/code editors have the option to convert tabs to spaces. i recommend to enable this when working using python.

I agree with hypnos totally, plus I would add that, after you’ll take your time to habit with that -limitation- (the indentation) or better call it -constraint- you’ll realize that stepping back to other unconstrained languages will be awkward and how annoying to put all of those ‘;’ to end up lines of code was and, most important, how much readable is a python script compared to C and his siblings
PS: I buy a Torque license too, dad gum it! :wink:

god I love Python’s enforced indentation. I teach programming to beginners and the hardest part of reading their code when helping them is that beginners pay no attention to indentation because the computer doesn’t care. I routinely see stuff like function declarations indented more than the contents of the function, and it drives me crazy trying to read their code.

I wish I could switch to teaching Python so that they would start caring about indentation, but that’s not really an option when I’m teaching programming to Flash designers.

so why not to use this?

That is really cool, I didn’t know about that! It’s way too primitive to be an option for Flash designers, but thanks for the link.