When you have problems registering a new nick:

Hi! These bots get annoying… I am installing a set of rules that should make it harder to let those bots create an account. The problem is, that I can’t enable the visual configuration… (well, boards is pleading for an update, but I am not the administrator. cough Josh? cough )

So if you experience trouble while registering your nickname, send me an E-Mail or ICQ message. - I am often around in IRC too…

Regards, Bigfoot29

I though about doing that, too, but I thought I wouldn’t like the complaints if someone cannot register “pokerface” or similar names. But as long as you are the obvious culprit, who am I to complain? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats why I said: Hey, contact me! - For these emergency cases I can switch that rule off for a second, he can register, and I can reactivate the rule… the existing username will remain :slight_smile:

Regards, Bigfoot29

Uh, as requested: In case you need my mail adress, just click the ‘mail’ button byond this message. Please do not forget to add the name you want to use in your mail.
I don’t like to tell to everybody what rules I did set to avoid spammers (because then they can go around easily) - so sorry to keep you somewhat in the dark…

Regards, Bigfoot29