You are welcome.
rdb would have more insights on this but I suspect that this is caused because I used 1.9.2 x64 to produce the TestInterrogate module. As you use Python 3.4 whereas P3D 1.9.2 uses Python 2.7, this may prevent your environment to load the .pyd file i.e. the TestInterrogate file.
To quickly make the snippet work, you can just comment the line “from TestInterrogate import *”. But you should not press ‘F1’ because it will not find the TestInterrogate .pyd file. Since the culling part is done in Python, the code will not be as fast as with C++.
I don’t have tested this (so no guaranty!), but you can try to produce a new TestInterrogate.pyd file by using the tobspr’s Module Builder tool - see [url]Panda Module Builder] (explanations on how to use it are provided there),since I have provided the C++ code. Once you have regenerated the .pyd file, you can try the snippet again.