UTF8 Character Encoding in VS2012

I downloaded Panda3d and installed it tonight. To my surprise, most of the VS2008 documentation corresponded with VS2012, which I am using. Unfortunately, when I attempted to run my first sample program, which opens a window, I am bombarded with error messages regarding UTF-8 characters and the window crashing. If I remove any string from the program, it runs just fine. I’ve googled this a good bit, but can’t find any solid solutions.

Does anyone know how to fix this character set problem in VS2012?


#include "pandaFramework.h"
#include "pandaSystem.h"

PandaFramework framework;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	framework.open_framework(argc, argv);

	WindowFramework *window = NULL;
	window = framework.open_window();


	if(window != NULL)
		//nout << "Opened the window!\n";
	} else
		//nout << "Can not open window";

	return 0;

This is because the Panda3D build we offer has been compiled with VS2008. It isn’t compatible; you’ll need to recompile the SDK with your version of Visual Studio. Search around the forums; there have been plenty of people who have attempted this. (Although it’s easier to just download 2008.)