trouble running first script on Mac

Having trouble starting on my Mac. Using OS 10.5.7, new install of Panda, and Stani’s Python Editor (SPE) 0.8.4.h.
Tried basic script, and get an error when attempting to run it, as follows…

Macintosh:~ corbin$ python /Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/myStuff/
DirectStart: Starting the game.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/myStuff/”, line 1, in
import direct.directbase.DirectStart
File “Panda3D-tpl-rw/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/direct/directbase/”, line 3, in
File “Panda3D-tpl-rw/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/direct/showbase/”, line 10, in
File “/Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/pandac/”, line 2, in
from libpandaModules import *
File “/Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/pandac/”, line 2, in
File “/Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/pandac/”, line 73, in Dtool_PreloadDLL
imp.load_dynamic(module, pathname)
ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/libpanda.dylib, 2): Symbol not found: __ZN6squish10DecompressEPhPKvi
Referenced from: /Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/libpanda.dylib
Expected in: dynamic lookup

Could it be that you have older versions of Panda installed that are conflicting, for example if you didn’t use the script to update the paths in your profile script?

I’m having the same problem first described:
ImportError: dlopen(/Applications/Panda3D/1.6.2/lib/libpanda.dylib, 2): Symbol not found: __ZN6squish10DecompressEPhPKvi

I re-ran the paths script, and everything checked out. Still won’t load anything properly…
Any more ideas?

Apologies, I found this thread through google. Link to better topic for future people: