
How to load textures since I am having a problem with tutorial.

s222.photobucket.com/albums/dd6/ … bottle.jpg

This is what it the model looks like in basic form it is about to get updated.
He says he included a texture to it but its not showing up

Look for error messages in the output. Did it complain about failing to load any textures?

Open the egg file with Notepad. One of the first few lines should be a reference to the texture in question. Does the texture file exist, and is that the correct path to it?


{ Z-up }

{ “Egg laid by Chicken for Blender v1.0” }

Material.001 {
diffr {0.913725554943}
diffg {0.0392156802118}
diffb {0.0392156802118}
specr {0.25}
specg {0.25}
specb {0.25}
shininess {12.5}
Plane {
0.000523 -0.032123 -0.000254 0.000000
0.344486 -0.034549 5.087252 0.000000
5.086692 0.085568 -0.343867 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
Plane {
0 {
-4.245515 4.235965 -3.034728
1 {
-4.363597 8.608908 -3.066098
2 {
-8.238511 8.504439 -3.042969

I do not sees such things. O.o

your models has no texture assigned, nor has it UV-coordinates.
use blender to create UV-map and asign the texture there. dont use the material editor for it. its known to only partly work when it feels like it under some circumstances. the uv-editor always works.

EDIT: can someone move this to “pipeline issues” ?

Thank you. More problmes with the graphic designer O.O

IDK its a very very big file theres plenty of stuff in there.
But I will take your word.

thats how a egg looks when it has texture and UV-coors.

<CoordinateSystem> { Z-up }

<Comment> { "Egg laid by Chicken for Blender v1.0" }

<Texture> 41623_400.jpg {



<Group> Sphere.001 {

  <Transform> {

    <Matrix4> {

      1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

      0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000

      0.000000 0.000000 1.422323 0.000000

      0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000



  <VertexPool> Sphere.001 {

    <Vertex> 0 {

      0.707107 0.707107 -0.500000

      <UV> { 0.816080 0.037163 }


    <Vertex> 1 {

      0.831470 0.555570 -0.500000

      <UV> { 0.787341 0.037163 }


    <Vertex> 2 {

      0.831471 0.555569 0.500000

      <UV> { 0.787340 0.999779 }



You are right no uv

Plane {
0 {
-4.245515 4.235965 -3.034728
1 {
-4.363597 8.608908 -3.066098

{ Z-up }

{ “Egg laid by Chicken for Blender v1.0” }

Material.001 {
diffr {0.800000011921}
diffg {0.800000011921}
diffb {0.800000011921}
specr {0.25}
specg {0.25}
specb {0.25}
shininess {12.5}
Cube {
3.487429 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 3.487429 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 3.487429 0.000000
-0.137348 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
Cube {
0 {
1.279789 0.536357 -0.763098
{ 0.239379 -0.157326 }
1 {
1.279789 2.416874 -0.763098
{ 1.157326 0.239379 }
2 {

We have uv now and this texture is not working and I know it is the correct path.

What texture? What path? I see that you do indeed have UV’s now, but there is still no entry that defines the actual texture filename.


I do, however, see a material entry - you aren’t by any chance assigning your texture using Blender’s material system, are you? If so, try this (or have your artist try this) in Blender instead:

  1. With the object selected, go to a UV/Image Editor window (as though you were going to edit that object’s UVs). Make sure that the object’s UVs are visible in this window.

  2. In the UV/Image Editor window:
    If your image has already been loaded for this file (such as if it was used in a material), select it using the list beside the “UV” menu. If not, open the “Image” menu and select “Open…”, and open the image file in question. Whichever you choose, this should apply the image to your object’s UVs in a way that Chicken should interpret appropriately, if I’m not much mistaken.

Note too that, if I recall correctly, you can have a model use more than one texture by selecting in the 3D view the faces to be used in one texture, applying that texture as given above, deselecting those faces and repeating for the next set of faces.

Hey sorry guys but I forgot to paste all of it…
Here is the code with the texture in it.

{ Z-up }

{ “Egg laid by Chicken for Blender v1.0” }

Material.001 {
diffr {0.800000011921}
diffg {0.800000011921}
diffb {0.800000011921}
specr {0.25}
specg {0.25}
specb {0.25}
shininess {12.5}
Chaoslogo.png {
Cube {
3.487429 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 3.487429 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 3.487429 0.000000
-0.137348 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
Cube {
0 {
1.279789 0.536357 -0.763098
{ 0.239379 -0.157326 }
1 {
1.279789 2.416874 -0.763098
{ 1.157326 0.239379 }

Are there any messages when you pview the file, about loading or not being able to load Chaoslogo.png?



It’s not even mentioned? That’s suspicious. Do the entries in your egg file reference the texture?

It should look like:

    <Polygon> {
      <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
      <VertexRef> { 3 2 1 <Ref> { Cube } }

That is the important part; it means to apply the texture to this polygon. Every polygon (presumably) should have a similar TRef.


{ Chaoslogo.png }
{ Material.001 }
{ 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 }
{ 0 1 2 3 { Cube } }
{ Chaoslogo.png }
{ Material.001 }
{ 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 }
{ 4 5 6 7 { Cube } }


I don’t see anything wrong, then. Are you sure the texture’s not loading? Why don’t you post the whole egg file?


<CoordinateSystem> { Z-up }

<Comment> { "Egg laid by Chicken for Blender v1.0" }

<Material> Material.001 {
  <Scalar> diffr {0.800000011921}
  <Scalar> diffg {0.800000011921}
  <Scalar> diffb {0.800000011921}
  <Scalar> specr {0.25}
  <Scalar> specg {0.25}
  <Scalar> specb {0.25}
  <Scalar> shininess {12.5}
<Texture> Chaoslogo.png {
<Group> Cube {
  <Transform> {
    <Matrix4> {
      3.487429 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
      0.000000 3.487429 0.000000 0.000000
      0.000000 0.000000 3.487429 0.000000
      -0.137348 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
  <VertexPool> Cube {
    <Vertex> 0 {
      1.279789 0.536357 -0.763098
      <UV> { 0.239379 -0.157326 }
    <Vertex> 1 {
      1.279789 2.416874 -0.763098
      <UV> { 1.157326 0.239379 }
    <Vertex> 2 {
      3.160306 2.416874 -0.763098
      <UV> { 0.760621 1.157326 }
    <Vertex> 3 {
      3.160306 0.536356 -0.763098
      <UV> { -0.157326 0.760621 }
    <Vertex> 4 {
      1.279788 0.536357 -2.643616
      <UV> { 0.239379 -0.157326 }
    <Vertex> 5 {
      3.160306 0.536357 -2.643616
      <UV> { 1.157326 0.239379 }
    <Vertex> 6 {
      3.160306 2.416874 -2.643616
      <UV> { 0.760621 1.157326 }
    <Vertex> 7 {
      1.279789 2.416875 -2.643616
      <UV> { -0.157326 0.760621 }
    <Vertex> 8 {
      1.279789 0.536357 -0.763098
      <UV> { 0.239379 -0.157326 }
    <Vertex> 9 {
      1.279788 0.536357 -2.643616
      <UV> { 1.157326 0.239379 }
    <Vertex> 10 {
      1.279789 2.416875 -2.643616
      <UV> { 0.760621 1.157326 }
    <Vertex> 11 {
      1.279789 2.416874 -0.763098
      <UV> { -0.157326 0.760621 }
    <Vertex> 12 {
      1.279789 2.416874 -0.763098
      <UV> { 0.239379 -0.157326 }
    <Vertex> 13 {
      1.279789 2.416875 -2.643616
      <UV> { 1.157326 0.239379 }
    <Vertex> 14 {
      3.160306 2.416874 -2.643616
      <UV> { 0.760621 1.157326 }
    <Vertex> 15 {
      3.160306 2.416874 -0.763098
      <UV> { -0.157326 0.760621 }
    <Vertex> 16 {
      3.160306 2.416874 -0.763098
      <UV> { 0.239379 -0.157326 }
    <Vertex> 17 {
      3.160306 2.416874 -2.643616
      <UV> { 1.157326 0.239379 }
    <Vertex> 18 {
      3.160306 0.536357 -2.643616
      <UV> { 0.760621 1.157326 }
    <Vertex> 19 {
      3.160306 0.536356 -0.763098
      <UV> { -0.157326 0.760621 }
    <Vertex> 20 {
      1.279788 0.536357 -2.643616
      <UV> { 0.239379 -0.157326 }
    <Vertex> 21 {
      1.279789 0.536357 -0.763098
      <UV> { 1.157326 0.239379 }
    <Vertex> 22 {
      3.160306 0.536356 -0.763098
      <UV> { 0.760621 1.157326 }
    <Vertex> 23 {
      3.160306 0.536357 -2.643616
      <UV> { -0.157326 0.760621 }
    <Vertex> 24 {
      2.139634 1.536947 -0.039653
      <UV> { 0.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 25 {
      0.533813 -0.202796 -0.039653
      <UV> { 1.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 26 {
      0.259116 -0.343570 -0.039653
      <UV> { 1.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 27 {
      2.139633 -0.343570 -0.039653
      <UV> { 0.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 28 {
      2.139634 1.536947 -1.920170
      <UV> { 0.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 29 {
      2.139633 -0.343570 -1.920170
      <UV> { 1.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 30 {
      0.259116 -0.343569 -1.920170
      <UV> { 1.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 31 {
      0.259117 1.536948 -1.920170
      <UV> { 0.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 32 {
      0.259117 1.536948 -1.920170
      <UV> { 0.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 33 {
      0.259116 -0.343569 -1.920170
      <UV> { 1.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 34 {
      0.259116 -0.343570 -0.039653
      <UV> { 1.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 35 {
      0.533813 -0.202796 -0.039653
      <UV> { 0.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 36 {
      2.139634 1.536947 -1.920170
      <UV> { 0.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 37 {
      0.259117 1.536948 -1.920170
      <UV> { 1.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 38 {
      0.533813 -0.202796 -0.039653
      <UV> { 1.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 39 {
      2.139634 1.536947 -0.039653
      <UV> { 0.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 40 {
      2.139633 -0.343570 -1.920170
      <UV> { 0.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 41 {
      2.139634 1.536947 -1.920170
      <UV> { 1.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 42 {
      2.139634 1.536947 -0.039653
      <UV> { 1.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 43 {
      2.139633 -0.343570 -0.039653
      <UV> { 0.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 44 {
      2.139633 -0.343570 -0.039653
      <UV> { 0.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 45 {
      0.259116 -0.343570 -0.039653
      <UV> { 1.000000 0.000000 }
    <Vertex> 46 {
      0.259116 -0.343569 -1.920170
      <UV> { 1.000000 1.000000 }
    <Vertex> 47 {
      2.139633 -0.343570 -1.920170
      <UV> { 0.000000 1.000000 }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 0 1 2 3 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 4 5 6 7 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { 1.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 8 9 10 11 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { -0.000000 -1.000000 -0.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 12 13 14 15 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { -1.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 16 17 18 19 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 20 21 22 23 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 24 25 26 27 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 28 29 30 31 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { -0.982027 0.133459 0.133459 }
    <VertexRef> { 32 33 34 35 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { -0.407713 0.817031 0.407713 }
    <VertexRef> { 36 37 38 39 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { 1.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 40 41 42 43 <Ref> { Cube } }
  <Polygon> {
    <TRef> { Chaoslogo.png }
    <MRef> { Material.001 }
    <Normal> { -0.000000 -1.000000 -0.000000 }
    <VertexRef> { 44 45 46 47 <Ref> { Cube } }

Looks fine to me. Are you sure your texture file has image data? What does it look like if you just pview Chaoslogo.png?



This is it

Oh, you know what the problem is? The file has the wrong style path to the texture. It says:

<Texture> Chaoslogo.png {

But it should say instead, using the Panda filename convention (as described in the manual):

<Texture> Chaoslogo.png {

If the egg file was really written out by Chicken in the first form, that represents a bug in Chicken.
