Terrain renderer for Panda3D, release 2

i didnt try the code… but are you shure that the character will not jump up and down the pixels where the terrain would be a nice slope?. the lower the terrain resolution is the more serius it could get if you dont interpolate between the pixels… just a question =)
nother thing a lot of people might be intrested in is the speed question. i havent tested it but i could imagine that using such a python algorithm might be slower than the c++ compiled stuff of panda’s collision detection.

but the approach itself is nice. if someone is to write a good terrain-code with LOD and such it might be faster than the normal collision checks (especially with lots of colliding objects)… just my2 cents

There are a bug i must fix is when just one pixel had a certain height the character mill jump it and appeard in the wind, but it can be fixed by checking the height after each movement. Its perhaps more slow that the panda collision system (i dont think its a lot of…) but simpliest.
And we can do same thing for models, a png image, where each type of models, is a RGB value. Its i think simpliest as doing a collision for each models 3D.
Its juts 20 line of code…

Nice work slade!

Thank you ^^

You say its slower…do you have any pstat figures on that ?


The game had really advance, its not slow now.
I dont use collision but its implémented, i use image, for loading models.
Yes it was slower, because the heighmap.png was 2048*2048, i seize it into 4 small heightmap, they are load when the character go out of one of these.
you can download this demo (french forum sorry :/) here :
It is the unique link ^^
When you launch updateur.exe the version do to 0.02 its in this one that the heightmap is cut. If you see number between 200 and 255 in the top right corner of the screen , that’s the good version.

again sorry for my english…

ah ok I had no idea this was for a game you were doing with another chap and I hope it goes well for you. I tried demo and it seems to be rather slow when I rotate camera…I stilll get a weird shimmering of textures in background and def. some ‘seams’ on horizon.

nice stuff though glad to see you are progressing, but Ihave to wonder if the new terrain in 1.3.0 is going to be doing all of this and using the native coldet which is faster anyway ?


Hi, thx for testing !
Can i have your configuration ?
The game had been tested on a 1.6Ghz with 512 ddr and wasn’t slow.
What is the things that ur talking about on the v1.3 ?

The link is down. Do you still have it somewhere?

Yes, please post it!