Teleporting/Positioning bullet physic objects

@Thaumaturge Thanks, setTransformDirty does the trick! Although I also have to call doPhysics every frame now, which I wanted to avoid if possible. It’s currently quite slow and I only really need this for raycasts…

@serega-kkz Thanks, but drwr states in this thread that it would be quite a bit slower, and I don’t think I can afford that at the moment. Also, I’d have to render not only objects individually, but color vertices depending on which bones they belong to (I want to know which part of the leg was clicked, or instance). This sounds like quite a bit of extra programming work that I’d like to avoid.

Update: It does work if I:

  • Use setTransformDirty() every frame
  • call BulletWorld.doPhysics() every frame
  • set all Collision Bodies into a collision group that doesn’t collide with anything.

I call doPhysics with 0 iterations. Any other ideas of how I could speed this up further, or hints what else I could disable?

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