Syntax Error?

This?? Makes no sense?

vvptreads = loader.loadModel('/Users/CHICKEN/Desktop/ttoff-alpha/resources/phase_9/models/char/bossCog-treads.bam')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

It just keeps randomly giving me a syntax error in the middle of the code.

This one line of code is causing me problems.

vvptreads = loader.loadModel('/Users/CHICKEN/Desktop/ttoff-alpha/resources/phase_9/models/char/bossCog-treads.bam')

I already tried using both (" ") and (’ ') around it. Help. Please.

Hmm… Perhaps it’s something in an earlier line that’s causing the parser to mis-parse your code? Would you please post the few lines that precede the line that you’ve quoted above?

Nevermind, I fixed it. Somehow while I’d been cleaning up some lines I didn’t need I managed to forget the end parentheses on the set.Hpr() above it for the previous part.

Thanks for trying to help though! :slight_smile: