Strange behaviour from scene graph

I know what’s going on.
Even after your cache node is automatically destroyed after the init() completes, P3D still spends the time maintaining the cache of nodes’ tranform (position, rotation, scale, shear), which is a whole lot !
You could disable transform cache by doing :

loadPrcFileData('', 'transform-cache 0')

after panda3d.core import line.

The description of that config variable is :
[color=red]Set this true to enable the cache of TransformState objects. Using the cache saves time computing transforms and inverse transforms, but imposes some overhead for maintaining the cache itself

Amazing! It worked! But can you better explain me what happened?! I red your info but it wasw not so clear, and I wish to learn more and more about Panda. Thank you!

Sorry, I don’t know how exactly P3D maintains transform cache and how it could possibly affect performance.

Don’t worry :slight_smile: the important thing is I solved this issue (it was very important for my game).

Thank you !!!