[SOLVED] Replacement of Texture on particular Stage

Hi All,

I have troubles with replacing of a texture on particular model which already have many TextureStages composed in a specific way. Instead of adding of such a complex model I decide to do simple model that represents in a best way my trobles with a complex one. The code that I use to change it is next:

import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from pandac.PandaModules import *

model = loader.loadModel("untitled.egg")

print model.findAllTextureStages()

texStageBox = model.findTextureStage('boxMat_00_diffuse')
texStageSphere = model.findTextureStage('sphereMat_00_diffuse')

texPool = model.findAllTextures(texStageBox)
texPool2 = model.findAllTextures(texStageSphere)

newTex = loader.loadTexture('./red.png')
model.setTexture(texStageBox, newTex, 1)

texStageBox = model.findTextureStage('boxMat_00_diffuse')
texStageSphere = model.findTextureStage('sphereMat_00_diffuse')
texPool = model.findAllTextures(texStageBox)
texPool2 = model.findAllTextures(texStageSphere)
print texPool
print texPool2


The problem is that changing of a texture on specific stage changes textures on others.
Any suggestions are welcome …

Models and Textures: ge.tt/9tjslTK/v/0
Please note that model have 6 TextureStages and two different Materials. All poligons are textured only by 3 of them (1 diffuse, 1 gloss and 1 normal) and by 1 of materials.

I`m using Panda3d-1.8.0


It is not correct to setTexture on model/code above/, because this will affect all parts of the model below. So parts that doesn`t have this stage after setTexture will have it.
