[solved] prc being ignored

I’m trying to set some window options in my game’s seperate .prc file and Panda seems to be creating the window and then ignoring my changes.
I did a search on the forums, but most people seemed to want to change the value during runtime.

class Game(DirectObject):
    def __init__(self):    

        print cpMgr

theGame = Game()

The output of cpMgr:

2 explicit pages:

2 implicit pages:

Any ideas?
Specifically, I am trying to change the resolution (not at runtime) and window title.


I believe you have to load your PRC file before you import DirectStart or ShowBase. Can you check whether you did so?

This was working for me

In the prc file

# change Window Title to verify this config file is used
window-title "Arkhenia Core : Client"
#Panda Stuff
#load_up game specific config before loading panda
from pandac.PandaModules import loadPrcFile 

# Load up Panda
import direct.directbase.DirectStart

Thanks! Loading the config before the direct modules fixed it!

from pandac.PandaModules import loadPrcFile

import direct
import direct.directbase.DirectStart

Note that Panda also has a convention for finding and loading .prc files automatically. In particular, you can set the environment variables PRC_DIR and/or PRC_PATH (or maybe they’ve been named PANDA_PRC_DIR and PANDA_PRC_PATH in the public build).
