Smeared Texture on Sphere but only when using `TextureStage`s other than default

Final remark.

I think your point is that one should not use TexGen as a substitute for UV coordinates. That is a fair point to make.

I’m not arguing against your point or recommending this as alternative to UV mapping, but you can use tex projectors to create a local version of MWorldPosition that does not have the issue you described:

model.set_tex_projector(tex_stage, render, model)

All these opportunities should be used with an understanding of what needs to be achieved.
We have previously experimented with this:
I will add that in this case it is more convenient to use NodePath instead of the model.
You can set the projection direction without rotating the model itself.

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from panda3d.core import Texture, NodePath, TextureStage, TexGenAttrib

class TextureTester(ShowBase):
  def __init__(self):

    tex_stage = TextureStage('test_texture_stage')
    plane_projector = NodePath('plane_projector')
    plane_projector.set_hpr(0, 90, 0)

    model = loader.load_model("test_model.stl")
    model.set_tex_gen(tex_stage, TexGenAttrib.MWorldPosition)
    model.set_tex_projector(tex_stage, model, plane_projector)
    model.set_texture(tex_stage, loader.load_texture('panda.jpg'))
    model.set_tex_scale(tex_stage, 0.12)

app = TextureTester()