simDrift issues in 3d

I found a solution in another post:
bullet : Mad Quaternion [url]bullet : Mad Quaternion[Solved]]

I think my code improves on that solution. Code follows.

In English, the solution is a hack that checks for a too-large difference between subsequent quaternions and reverses the quaternion to an equivalent, but not-so-different quaternion. I hope that makes sense.

  def simDrift(self, dt):
    #Gets the quaternions representing this NodePaths' orientations.
    quat_cycle = self.cycle.getQuat()
    quat_dirNP = self.dirNP.getQuat()
    #Get the difference between quat_cycle and the previous value of quat_cycle
    diff_quat=Quat(quat_cycle - self.previous_quat)
    #If the difference is abnormally large, reverse the quat to an equivalent quat.
    if abs(diff_quat.getR())>1.0 or abs(diff_quat.getI())>1.0 or \
      abs(diff_quat.getJ())>1.0 or abs(diff_quat.getK())>1.0:
    #Update previous quat
    self.previous_quat = quat_cycle
    #Difference between actual and desired orientations in degrees
    diff_deg = quat_dirNP.angleDeg(quat_cycle)
    #If the difference is small enough, then just snap to the Cycle's orientation.
    if diff_deg < 0.1:
        #Otherwise perform a linear interpolation
        t = 10.0 * dt #Close 10% of the difference in orientation per second.
        self.dirNP.setQuat(quat_dirNP + (quat_cycle - quat_dirNP) * t)