Shadow with DirectonalLight

I try using default Shadow of panda(setShadowCaster) with DirectionalLight in my scene. My scene only have: terrain and model. Shadow of model didn’t show on terrain…

And one more question: How to conbine Shader Generator (setShaderAuto) and CommonFilter in one scene? (when I use shader generator, a default common filter, in this case is bloom filter, couldn’t affect)

SetShadowCaster works for spotlights only.

The auto shader should work with common filters. The filters should work even if you use custom shader or when the scene is rendered via the fix-function pipeline. You can just as well use a custom shader for a filter and have the scen rendered with the auto shader on.

Hard to say what can be wrong with no code.

Thanks, I’m understand. You explain clearly ^^. So, How do I use DirectionalLight with Shadow ? If use custom shader or custom filter, please show me the sample code ^^.