Running without window, can't use to create buffer

Well, it at least ran on my laptop. On the remote machine I’m not getting

AL lib: (WW) alc_initconfig: Failed to initialize backend "pulse"
AL lib: (WW) alsa_load: Failed to load
AL lib: (WW) alc_initconfig: Failed to initialize backend "alsa"
AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackOSS_open: Could not open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
AL lib: (WW) alcSetError: Error generated on device (nil), code 0xa004
AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackOSS_open: Could not open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
AL lib: (WW) alcSetError: Error generated on device (nil), code 0xa004
:audio(error): Couldn't open default OpenAL device
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager: No open device or context
:audio(error):   OpenALAudioManager is not valid, will use NullAudioManager
AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackOSS_open: Could not open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
AL lib: (WW) alcSetError: Error generated on device (nil), code 0xa004
AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackOSS_open: Could not open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
AL lib: (WW) alcSetError: Error generated on device (nil), code 0xa004
:audio(error): Couldn't open default OpenAL device
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager: No open device or context
:audio(error):   OpenALAudioManager is not valid, will use NullAudioManager
:display:x11display(error): Could not open display ":0.0".
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "experiments/box/", line 260, in <module>
    image_cameras = SceneUtil.make_image_camera_ring(scene, intrinsics, n_cameras, camera_radius, camera_height, true_side_length/2)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/absynthe/", line 203, in make_image_camera_ring
    image_camera = scene.add_image_camera(intrinics, pos, hpr)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/absynthe/", line 174, in add_image_camera
    camera = self._make_camera(camera_config, pos, hpr, f'Image, {len(self._image_cameras)}')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/absynthe/", line 151, in _make_camera
    buffer.add_render_texture(texture, p3dc.GraphicsOutput.RTMCopyRam)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add_render_texture'

I’m looking into Code working with pandagl but not p3tinydisplay but not sure if this is the right solution.