Pviewing joints

Is there a way to see the joint skeleton of an egg from pview or maybe with other approaches?
It would be great to help me in the making of my Blender exporter (i’m near an almost done first beta)

No, there’s no real way to do this. I once tried to write an application that would reveal the skeleton by creating geometry where the skeleton was, but it turned out not to work well on most actual skeletons we were using.

The problem is that there is no information about where the joint should be drawn in the egg file. The closest thing the egg file stores is the local origin of each joint, which is often the same thing as the joint’s theoretical position, but it is just as often somewhere far away. So skeletons drawn by connecting the joints’ local origins tend to look like transporter accidents.


alas! :cry:
anyway thank you for your speed-light reply!