Problem setting up split-screen play

I don’t think that’s the problem. The code I posted here is only the split screen variant, using custom-made cameras. In non-split-screen mode I am using the default setup with no problems:[1].model.getX(), self.ships[1].model.getY()-6, 16)[1].model)

Doing something like[i].model, (0,-6,16))

would not yield the look that I desire for my game. As you can see from videos I posted in the past, the cam does move with the ship, but does not pick up it’s rotation.

I’m pretty sure that I just need a handle to the camera node. Note that base.camList[i].lookAt(node) works! Just not .setPos(), though David does exactly that here. The print of base.camList is:

[render/camera/cam, render/camera/custom_cam1, render/camera/custom_cam2]

Stuff like camList[i].node(), .getChild(0) or .getChild(1) sadly do not provide such handle an just crash.