physics & non-physics rolling ball demo

[color=red][LATEST CODE IS HERE]

I wrote these demos to help me understand the collision and physics system. The non-physics demo is heavily based on the Ball-in-a-Maze sample program but uses my own model for an arena (and doesn’t triggers). The second example does almost the same thing but uses the panda physics engine.

I also ripped off a routine which paints markers on the xyz axis from some google hosted code (apologies to the author, I didn’t write down the url).

I’m very new to panda so I’m sure there are much better ways to go about lots of this stuff but I expect it will be useful all the same.

ps. is there anyway to post the tar file with the program resources and blender sources in it?

Non-physics Version

import sys, direct.directbase.DirectStart
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.gui.DirectGui import OnscreenText
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from pandac.PandaModules import CollisionHandlerFloor, CollisionNode, CollisionTraverser, BitMask32, CollisionRay
from direct.task.Task import Task

ACCEL = 70         # Acceleration in ft/sec/sec
MAX_SPEED = 5      # Max speed in ft/sec
MAX_SPEED_SQ = MAX_SPEED ** 2  # Squared to make it easier to use lengthSquared
                               # Instead of length
UP = Vec3(0,0,1)   # We need this vector a lot, so its better to just have one

class World(DirectObject):

    def __init__(self):
        self.ballV = Vec3(0,0,0)         # Initial velocity is 0
        self.accelV = Vec3(0,0,0)        # Initial acceleration is 0
        base.cTrav = self.cTrav
        self.mainLoop = taskMgr.add(self.rollTask, "rollTask")
        self.mainLoop.last = 0

    def LoadTerrain(self):
        self.board = loader.loadModel('models/board.egg')
        self.floor = self.board.find('**/floorc')
        self.walls = self.board.find('**/walls')

    def LoadLight(self):
        plight = AmbientLight('my plight')
        plight.setColor(VBase4(0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 1))
        plnp = render.attachNewNode(plight)

        light2 = PointLight('pointlight')
        plnp2 = render.attachNewNode(light2)

    def LoadCamera(self):,-30,30)

    def LoadAvatar(self):
        self.ballRoot = render.attachNewNode("ballRoot")
        self.ball = loader.loadModel("models/ball")
        self.ballSphere = self.ball.find("**/ball")
        self.ballGroundRay = CollisionRay()     # Create the ray
        self.ballGroundRay.setOrigin(0,0,10)    # Set its origin
        self.ballGroundRay.setDirection(0,0,-1) # And its direction
        self.ballGroundCol = CollisionNode('floorRay') # Create and name the node
        self.ballGroundCol.addSolid(self.ballGroundRay) # Add the ray
        self.ballGroundCol.setFromCollideMask(BitMask32.bit(1)) # Set its bitmasks
        self.ballGroundColNp = self.ballRoot.attachNewNode(self.ballGroundCol)
        self.cHandler = CollisionHandlerQueue()
        self.cTrav.addCollider(self.ballSphere, self.cHandler)
        self.cTrav.addCollider(self.ballGroundColNp, self.cHandler)

    def LoadControls(self):

    def groundCollideHandler(self, colEntry):
        # Set the ball to the appropriate Z value for it to be exactly on the ground
        newZ = colEntry.getSurfacePoint(render).getZ()

        # Find the acceleration direction. First the surface normal is crossed with
        # the up vector to get a vector perpendicular to the slope
        norm = colEntry.getSurfaceNormal(render)
        accelSide = norm.cross(UP)
        # Then that vector is crossed with the surface normal to get a vector that
        # points down the slope. By getting the acceleration in 3D like this rather
        # than in 2D, we reduce the amount of error per-frame, reducing jitter
        self.accelV = norm.cross(accelSide)

    def wallsCollideHandler(self, colEntry):
        # First we calculate some numbers we need to do a reflection
        norm = colEntry.getSurfaceNormal(render) * -1 # The normal of the wall
        curSpeed = self.ballV.length()                # The current speed
        inVec = self.ballV / curSpeed                 # The direction of travel
        velAngle =                    # Angle of incidance
        hitDir = colEntry.getSurfacePoint(render) - self.ballRoot.getPos()
        hitAngle =   # The angle between the ball and the normal

        # Ignore the collision if the ball is either moving away from the wall
        # already (so that we don't accidentally send it back into the wall)
        # and ignore it if the collision isn't dead-on (to avoid getting caught on
        # corners)
        if velAngle > 0 and hitAngle > .995:
            # Standard reflection equation
            reflectVec = (norm * * -1) * 2) + inVec
            # This makes the velocity half of what it was if the hit was dead-on
            # and nearly exactly what it was if this is a glancing blow
            self.ballV = reflectVec * (curSpeed * (((1-velAngle)*.5)+.5))
            # Since we have a collision, the ball is already a little bit buried in
            # the wall. This calculates a vector needed to move it so that it is
            # exactly touching the wall
            disp = (colEntry.getSurfacePoint(render) -
            newPos = self.ballRoot.getPos() + disp

    def rollTask(self, task):
        dt = task.time - task.last 
        task.last = task.time
        if dt > .2: 
            return Task.cont   

        for i in range(self.cHandler.getNumEntries()): 
            entry = self.cHandler.getEntry(i) 
            name = entry.getIntoNode().getName() 
            if name == "floorc": self.groundCollideHandler(entry) 
            elif name == "walls": self.wallsCollideHandler(entry)

        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse(): 
            mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse() # get the mouse position
            self.board.setP(mpos.getY() * -10) 
            self.board.setR(mpos.getX() * 10)

        # Finally, we move the ball Update the velocity based on
        # acceleration
        self.ballV += self.accelV * dt * ACCEL
        # Clamp the velocity to the maximum speed
        if self.ballV.lengthSquared() > MAX_SPEED_SQ: 
            self.ballV *= MAX_SPEED
        # Update the position based on the velocity
        self.ballRoot.setPos(self.ballRoot.getPos() + (self.ballV * dt))

        # This block of code rotates the ball. It uses something called a
        # quaternion to rotate the ball around an arbitrary axis. That axis
        # perpendicular to the balls rotation, and the amount has to do with
        # the size of the ball This is multiplied on the previous rotation
        # to incrimentally turn it.
        prevRot = LRotationf(self.ball.getQuat()) 
        axis = UP.cross(self.ballV) 
        newRot = LRotationf(axis, 45.5 * dt * self.ballV.length())
        self.ball.setQuat(prevRot * newRot)

        return Task.cont       # Continue the task indefinitely

    def markAxis(self):
        def printText(name, message, color):
            text = TextNode(name)
            x,y,z = color
            text.setTextColor(x,y,z, 1)
            text3d = NodePath(text)
            return text3d

        for i in range(0,51):
            printText("X", "|", (1,0,0)).setPos(i,0,0) 

        for i in range(0,51):
            printText("Y", "|", (0,1,0)).setPos(0,i,0)  
        for i in range(0,51):
            printText("Z", "-", (0,0,1)).setPos(0,0,i) 

        printText("XL", "X", (0,0,0)).setPos(5.5,0,0) 
        printText("YL", "Y", (0,0,0)).setPos(0,5.5,0) 
        printText("YL", "Z", (0,0,0)).setPos(0,0,5.5) 
        printText("OL", "@", (0,0,0)).setPos(0,0,0) 

w = World()

Physics Version

import sys, direct.directbase.DirectStart
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.task.Task import Task

class MarbleOnTray(object):

    def __init__(self):
        #base.cTrav.showCollisions (base.render)
        gravity = ForceNode('globalGravityForce')
        gravityNP = render.attachNewNode(gravity)
        gravityForce = LinearVectorForce (0, 0, -9.8)  # 9.8 m/s gravity
        gravityForce.setMassDependent(False)  # constant acceleration (set true if you think Galileo was wrong)
        self.floorBit = 1
        self.wallBit = 0


    def loadLight(self):
        plight = AmbientLight('my plight')
        plight.setColor(VBase4(0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 1))
        plnp = render.attachNewNode(plight)
        light2 = PointLight('pointlight')
        plnp2 = render.attachNewNode(light2)

    def loadCamera(self):,-30,30)

    def loadWorld(self):
        self.board = loader.loadModel('models/board.egg')
        self.floor = self.board.find('**/floorc')

        self.walls = self.board.find('**/walls')

        self.tiltTaski = taskMgr.add(self.tiltTask, "tiltTask")
        self.tiltTaski.last = 0

    def loadAvatar(self):
        self.ballActor = render.attachNewNode(ActorNode("ballActor"))
        self.ball = loader.loadModel('smiley')
        self.collisionh = PhysicsCollisionHandler()

        minp, maxp = self.ball.getTightBounds()
        dims = Point3(maxp - minp)
        diameter = max([dims.getX(), dims.getY(), dims.getZ()])
        ballCNPath = self.ballActor.attachNewNode(CollisionNode('ballCN'))
        ballCNPath.node().addSolid(CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, diameter/2))
        cmask = BitMask32()
        self.collisionh.addCollider(ballCNPath, self.ballActor)
        base.cTrav.addCollider(ballCNPath, self.collisionh)

    def tiltTask(self, task):
        dt = task.time - task.last 
        task.last = task.time
        if dt > .2: 
            return Task.cont   

        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse(): 
            mpos = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse() # get the mouse position
            self.board.setP(mpos.getY() * -10) 
            self.board.setR(mpos.getX() * 10)

        return Task.cont       # Continue the task indefinitely

    def drawLines(self):
        def printText(name, message, color):
            text = TextNode(name)
            x,y,z = color
            text.setTextColor(x,y,z, 1)
            text3d = NodePath(text)
            return text3d

        for i in range(0,51):
            printText("X", "|", (1,0,0)).setPos(i,0,0) 

        for i in range(0,51):
            printText("Y", "|", (0,1,0)).setPos(0,i,0)  
        for i in range(0,51):
            printText("Z", "-", (0,0,1)).setPos(0,0,i) 

        printText("XL", "X", (0,0,0)).setPos(5.5,0,0) 
        printText("YL", "Y", (0,0,0)).setPos(0,5.5,0) 
        printText("YL", "Z", (0,0,0)).setPos(0,0,5.5) 
        printText("OL", "@", (0,0,0)).setPos(0,0,0) 

w = MarbleOnTray()


how about filefront?

Thanks astelix. Seems like a useful site; I was wondering if there was a file store under the panda3d domain but that’ll do.

The tar file contains the two versions of (almost) the same “game” and the blender source for the arena (well, its more of a tray really), board.blend.

nb. In case you wonder why one program uses the wooden marble from the ball-in-a-maze demo and one uses the smiley model its because I couldn’t figure out how to attach the collisoinSphere to the ballRoot. As I don’t have the model sources for the ball I didn’t think I would learn too much from the effort anyway.

ps. If you are trying to understand collisions and are new to panda, like me, do look at the blender source too-correct models are just as important as correct code.

well if with ‘new’ you mean to be in these forums for a short time, I guess not - I’m here haunting for about 4y but you can’t see me as panda3D ‘geek’ as well though - I’m still in a learning mode and I like to dig and collect each piece of code everybody share here. BTW I just finished a tutorial regarding collisions you probably pass by - just check it out, maybe you’ll find some hints to solve your issues above.

Oh sorry, I wrote that reply, well wrong. I wasn’t actually referring to you, asterlix, in the ps but the third person so to speak.

Yes I did look at your code and it has been very useful, particularly since I can see how your code and models interact.

Sorry for the confusion and although I haven’t mentioned it in a previous posting, your step by step tutorial saved me a lot of time, so thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve rewritten the demo to use ode. I’m pretty pleased with it as it goes but the collision detection is far from perfect. Still it should be interesting for those, like me, getting to grips with panda/ode.

ps is there a thread on secondary collision detection strategies if the primary one has failed, or how to optimise collision detection meshes with ode? [edit] (I mean to improve the chance the collision is detected not reduce cpu overhead.)

pps if anybody who takes an interest in this demo has any suggestions on how to improve the collision detection, I’d love to hear about them.

Woot! I made the ball jump out of the box.
That was actually the whole point of the game!

It’s probably the most fun you can have with it :slight_smile:

I’ve added a backup collision detection using panda3d collision detection.

My machine is pretty limited in terms of hardware, only and atom powered netbook so I was loosing the ball all the time with the ode version of the demo and this seems to fix the problem quite nicely.

I expect this is a pretty common technique in real games but I really don’t know. It seems to do the job so I’m happy. Basically, I added a second big collision geometry for the tray and a second big collision geometry for the marble. They are both reparented to the visible geometry so that they follow the “real” tray and ball and because they are so big, catch the collisions ode misses. I grabbed the code from the non-phys demo (from the ball-in-a-maze demo) to handle the velocity reflections (using ode calls to get the linear velocity).

The spacing is pretty important for this to work so I set it all up in blender so I could easily check it was correct. The way the code is organised for the latest demo is substantially changed, to make it more flexible but it will be harder to understand, sorry for that.

I think I’m done with marbles in trays now. Hope some of you find it the code useful or interesting!

I just found I made a serious error in the ode simulation task.

    def _odeUpdate(self, task):
        self.dtAccumulator += globalClock.getDt()
        while self.dtAccumulator > self.stepSize:
            self.dtAccumulator -= self.stepSize
   # Setup the contact joints

In this corrected version, the function call autoCollide() is inside the while loop and for each quickStep(). I was calling autoCollide() before the while loop, which led to massive instability.

Corrected, works reliably and there is no need to detect collisions outside of ode. Maybe the other version ( is interesting still…

[the link above is updated with the fixed code]

Sorry to dig up an older post but is this code still available somewhere? I am interested in the ODE example.

Sorry, that wasn’t too clear. I was referring to the link at the top of the page on the first post.

I do not think the link above is working. Let me know if you are able to extract the file linked in the first post.


Nevermind, I got it. Safari was being dumb i was able to download it using chrome.

  • Daniel.