Performances: CollisionSolid::get_bounds really greedy?!

Hi, I think I’ve finally found the (nasty) issue!!!

This comes from duplicate collision node names when generating the octree structure, eg

    <Group> octree-root {
      <Group> leaf-0 {
        <Group> leaf-0 {
          <Collide> { Polyset descend }
          <VertexPool> vpool-collision.vpool1 {
            <Vertex> 0 {
              -7.23668 -7.97214 -0.674276
              <Normal> { 0 -0.868243 -0.496139 }
          <Polygon> {
            <VertexRef> { 0 1 2 <Ref> { vpool-collision.vpool1 } }
          <Polygon> {
            <VertexRef> { 41 40 42 <Ref> { vpool-collision.vpool1 } }
      <Group> leaf-0 {
        <Group> leaf-0 {
          <Collide> { Polyset descend }
          <VertexPool> vpool-collision.vpool2 {

Since the names are the same I suppose the traverser is grouping the whole stuff together…

Neithertheless to fix the issue I changed the source code of the treeform/mindstormss/fenrirwolf octreefyer utility in order to cope with the issue (merely adding the quadrant number as part of the collision node name), and everything works ok now.

For those of you interested, here is the new version of the octreefyer.