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Hello every one, I’m new to panda, sorry my name’s Rockey. I have a few questions, Can I use python 25 with panda? Also I cannot find the file panda.pth in the bin folder.

I have no expeirence with python so this is gonna be a challenge for me. Are there any good tutorials out there for python.

To tell a bit about myself, I run a game development team. We are currently working on a mmorpg based off of Avatar The Last Airbender. We just recently decided to go 3d with the project. I found panda on gamedev, and I see that this is the best engine for the project. The project will be in a cel shaded world much like most of the screens here. The game will be free to play, since our change to 3d we have scrapped everything yet again, and are still moving forward.

If anyone could help out abit, seeking to join the team or just teach some of us, that would be greatly appreciated.
Me and another team member own 3ds max which isn’t too easy to for me, I prefer to model in milkshape because it’s simple to use. I have team members who were spriters but since we are no longer 2d I don’t want to kick them, I would ask that someone teaches them the basics of modeling. As I can’t exactly do that, I’m average and I have to learn python, If anyone would like to teach me python or point me to tutorials.

you can contact me via email

or msn messenger

Well, panda comes with its own python version (a 2.4 type).
So you won’t need any preinstalled python. Anyways, having python 2.5 installed won’t conflict with pandas python. In fact you run panda code only with ppython (the executable for pandas version of python 2.4).
You could however compile panda yourself with python 2.5 if you want to go the hard way.

The python documentation can be found at

There’re a lot of beginner tutorials for programmers and non programmers.
If you’re familiar with one or two other programming languages python should be easy to learn for you.

You can in fact learn python together with panda, just work yourself through the panda manual and you’ll get a feeling for the code.

Thanks, that helps alot, I feel that I’m not in over my head anymore. I should pick this up sorta fast, I’m dedicated and I have a nice grasp on vb6 and a basic understanding of c++.