PandaAI Path Follow: Change rate of traverse

I ran into this problem too, my actor just stopped before reaching its end point, when I really needed it to go all the way. I found this: AI Path following broken in 1.8.0?

Basically, following the path is cut short for every point. This is hard coded, and non-configurable. With the above solution, I did some tinkering to fit my own situation:

        lastPos = self.node.getPos()
        corrPoints = []
        for idx, wp in enumerate(self.path):
            dirVec = wp - lastPos
            dirVec *= 4.5 if idx < len(self.path)-1 else 1.0
            lastPos = wp

The resulting corrPoints list what I feed to the aiBehavior:

        for pos in reversed(corrPoints):

Hope this helps, I had to search hard to find this solution. Documentation and examples on aiBehaviors are pretty scarce, unfortunately.