panda3d as rendering engine? with pygame, pyopengl or pyqt

Ah, cool, didn’t know that (real noob here, running on like 4 days learning :wink: )

I think if nothing else I could write a pygame-like event handler and such pretty easily - thanks :slight_smile:
But beyond that, I think the bigger question is - can you decouple panda rendering from the direct stuff - instead using pygame (for example) for windowing and events and such?

I think dnwr answered in the affirmative, but I’m not sure - if you use setParentWindow, do you get to use pygame events then, or do you still use the direct lib in the exact same way, etc.?

If you use setParentWindow(), you have two windows: a pygame window as a frame, and the Panda window as an object within the frame. (The Panda window doesn’t have a titlebar or anything; it’s a subordinate window, which is more like a button or a text entry than like the windows you’re used to thinking of.)

The pygame window will still get its own events. Meantime, the Panda window will also get its own events. Thus, you can use pygame and Panda together. The only thing you can’t do is use pygame to draw on top of the Panda part of the window.


Ah, that makes sense - and is very cool!
Thank you :slight_smile: