Panda3D 1.9 runtime distribution - please test!

I can reproduce this, I get exactly the same error, using the stock P3D 1.9.1 sdk under windows 32 bit (win_i386).
I also get no error dialog, I believe this is because the .pyd is found, just the entry point cannot be found

My apologies for the delay in my own response!

Hmm, that’s very odd. I’ve tried a new build on both Windows 10 and 7, and in both cases the Multifile seemed to save correctly, but not load. A Linux build does, however, work under Ubuntu. o_0

(For what it’s worth, both of the above were 64-bit builds.)

When you attempted to reproduce the issue, did you use the code that I posted above, or some other test? If the latter, do you note any differences between my approach and yours, aside from the use of AppDirs?

Thanks for pointing out that functionality in Filename! It looks like a useful replacement for AppDirs. :slight_smile:

@rdb: sorry to bring that topic again (please see here a very kind question!), but do you think there is anything to do for that issue?

Thanks again!

Hmm, not sure. Can you send the .pyd file somehow?

Thanks for trying!

Here it is - it was generated through the tobspr’s very nice tool for generating .pyd through Interrogate. I can provide the source code if needed (simple and beta code btw…). (16 KB)

I have same problems here and since 6 days, i tried to fix it.
I have here windows 10, 64 bit, panda3d 1.9.1.
And when i try to start my packed .p3d-file, it doesn’t work.
I need help, i will give you the logs here…
I hope you can help me, this problem is very annoying.
I tried all sulutions i had found in this forum, but i doesn’t work. (2.79 KB)

OK, the error I can see in that is a DLL load error when trying to import

What are you using in the packp3d command-line? Are you adding the ‘vision’ module? I’ll look into the DLL load error, but in the meantime, if you don’t need webcam support, I recommend to avoid adding the ‘vision’ module, if you are in fact adding it on the packp3d command-line.

I also recommend importing from panda3d.core instead of pandac.PandaModules, since the latter is deprecated.

I use pandac, because i need this for set a window title.
or exsist a better way?

here my code:

import sys
import os, re

path = os.environ['PATH'].split(';')

def is_problem(folder):
        for item in os.listdir(folder):
            if re.match(r'msvcr\d\d\.dll', item):
                return True
    return False

path = [folder for folder in path if not is_problem(folder)]
os.environ['PATH'] = ';'.join(path)

from panda3d.core import ConfigPageManager
from pandac.PandaModules import loadPrcFileData
loadPrcFileData('','show-dll-error-dialog 1')
from pandac.PandaModules import WindowProperties
props = WindowProperties( )
from panda3d.core import *
props.setTitle( 'The last Act, pre Alpha' )
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase

import menus as menu
from speech import speak as spk
import sound as so

s = so.sound("bass.dll")
spk("wird Geladen, bitte Warten...")
print "Wird geladen..."
#print s.musicdict["sounds/music/Loading.ogg"].SetAttribute(2,0.2)

class tla(ShowBase):

    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the ShowBase class from which we inherit, which will
        # create a window and set up everything we need for rendering into it.
        self.accept("escape", sys.exit)  # Escape quits
        # setup the gameloop
        self.gameTask = taskMgr.add(self.gameLoop, "gameLoop")
    def gameLoop(self, task):
        if mm == "spiel beenden":
            return task.done

        if mm == "spiel starten":
            spk("Tut mir leid, dass ist noch nicht eingebaut.")
        return task.cont

base = tla()

print "pfad ", base.mainDir props )

mainmenu = menu.Menu(title="Hauptmenue", options=["spiel starten", "spiel beenden"], sounds={"change":s.sounddict["sounds/menu/menu_item.ogg"],"select":s.sounddict["sounds/menu/menu_selected.ogg"],"music":s.sounddict["sounds/menu/music 4.ogg"]})

In the moment i can compile my game… but when i start the p3d file, it pop up a c runtime error r4036
maybe, since I use pandac?