Panda 1.50 library issue

Hi Everyone,

I am having a small problem with panda, upon installation it is trying to get me to switch over the location that is searched from my already installed version of python to it’s version of python, I have other libraries installed, how do I get my default version of python to see all of the panda libraries?

I am using Python 2.5 in Windows Vista with Panda3D 1.50

I was told on #panda3d that this was a known issue and that the best place to post a question like this was on the installation forum.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank You.

Panda3D 1.5.0 ist compiled with Python 2.5.1, so you can use it with any Python 2.5.x installation (you can not use it with Python 2.4.x).

Python has a “search path” for modules, so you just need to add the Panda3D location to the Python module search path. There are several ways to do so. One is to create a “.pth” file.

I have Python 2.5.1 installed in C:\Programms\Python, and Panda3D installed in C:\Programms\Panda3D-1.5.0. In C:\Programme\Python I have created the file “panda.pth”, with the following content:


Now you can import Panda3D modules from your standard Python installation, along with all the other modules.


enn0x you rock, it’s now working beautifully.

I really appreciate your help.

Have a great day.