p3dpythonw.exe error for POTC Online

yes i am having a shut down error when i load through the web and it shuts down the p3dpythonw.exe and i have my log file i will post with this message if anyone can help that would be great thank you!

:07-08-2010 14:16:20 PackageInfo: Package panda3d uses 133 MB
:07-08-2010 14:16:20 AppRunner: Total Panda3D disk space used: 178 MB
:07-08-2010 14:16:20 AppRunner: Configured max usage is: 2048 MB
PLocalizer: Running in language: english
OTPLocalizer: Running in language: english
from otp.otpbase.OTPLocalizerEnglish import *
:07-08-2010 14:16:22 WebLauncherBase: isTestServer: 0

Starting Pirates…
Current time: Thu Jul 08 14:16:22 2010 Central Standard Time
sys.argv = []
tokens = [(‘style’, ‘display: block;’), (‘name’, ‘panda_game’), (‘src’, ‘http://download.piratesonline.com/english/inbrowser/pirates_early.p3d’), (‘id’, ‘panda_game’), (‘class’, ‘panda_game’), (‘type’, ‘application/x-panda3d’), (‘auto_start’, ‘1’), (‘alt_host’, ‘’), (‘log_history’, ‘3’), (‘onpythonstop’, ‘PND.onPhythonStop()’), (‘onwindowopen’, ‘PND.onWindowOpen()’), (‘onloadingmessagesstart’, ‘PPI.onLoadingMessagesStart()’), (‘onloadingmessagesstop’, ‘PPI.onLoadingMessagesStop()’), (‘gameinfo’, ‘PND.gameData’), (‘splash_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘unauth_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘failed_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘active_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/panda/game.close.jpg’), (‘download_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘ready_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘launch_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘bgcolor’, ‘#F3EDD3’), (‘width’, ‘960’), (‘height’, ‘510’)]
gameInfo = BrowserObject(22)
:07-08-2010 14:16:22 WebLauncherBase: chdir: C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Customer\Local Settings\Application Data\Panda3D\log
:07-08-2010 14:16:22 WebLauncherBase: dxdiag /t hwprofile.log
:07-08-2010 14:16:22 WebLauncherBase: hwpipe pid: 3112
PiratesStart: Starting the game.
:07-08-2010 14:16:28 :audio: using Miles software midi
:07-08-2010 14:16:28 ShowBase: dev == 0
1 explicit pages:
setupWindow (signed 1: )

1 implicit pages:
/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/Config.pre (signed 1: 3d07f444fbce59f8)

:07-08-2010 14:16:28 DisplayOptions(debug): restrict_to_embedded: 1
:07-08-2010 14:16:28 PiratesBase: Requested graphics API = pandagl
:07-08-2010 14:16:28 :display: loading display module: libpandagl.dll
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 :display:windisplay: OS version:
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 :display:windisplay: Service Pack 3
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 :display:windisplay: max Mhz 1655000000, current Mhz 1655000000
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 PiratesBase: Loaded requested graphics wglGraphicsPipe
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: vendor_id = 4318
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: device_id = 272
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: device_name* = ‘GeForce2 MX/MX 400’
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: info = ‘test-low-end card’
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: Recommended Game Options
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: version = 16
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: state = ‘default’
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: api = u’pandagl’
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: window_width = 800
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: window_height = 600
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: fullscreen_width = 800
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: fullscreen_height = 600
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: resolution = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: embedded = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: fullscreen = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: widescreen = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: widescreen_resolution = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: widescreen_fullscreen = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: reflection = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: shader = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: shadow = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: texture = 256
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: texture_compression = 1
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: sound = 1
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: sound_volume = 1.0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: music = 1
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: music_volume = 1.0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: gui_scale = 0.5
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: chatbox_scale = 0.0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: special_effects = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: texture_scale = 0.25
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: character_detail_level = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: terrain_detail_level = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: memory = 1
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: mouse_look = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: gamma = 0.0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: gamma_enable = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: cpu_frequency_warning = 1
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: hdr = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: hdr_factor = 1.0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: ship_visibility_from_islands = 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: land_map_radar_axis= 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: ocean_map_radar_axis= 1
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: simple_display_option= 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 Options: use_stereo= 0
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 :display:windisplay: Got parent_window 001D0282
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 :display:windisplay: os_handle type NativeWindowHandle::WinHandle
:07-08-2010 14:16:29 :display:windisplay(warning): SetForegroundWindow() failed!
:07-08-2010 14:16:37 :display: Unable to set window properties: !undecorated !fixed_size icon:/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/Pirates_Adds.ico parent:001D0282
:07-08-2010 14:16:37 PiratesBase: Successfully opened window of type wglGraphicsWindow (OpenGL)
:07-08-2010 14:16:37 PiratesBase: Got window event: origin=(0, 0) size=(960, 510) title=“Pirates” !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/Pirates_Adds.ico absolute parent:001D0282
:07-08-2010 14:16:38 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BriosoPro_chipped.bam
:07-08-2010 14:16:38 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BriosoPro_chipped_outline.bam
serverVersion: pcsv1.0.26.8
:07-08-2010 14:16:46 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BardiT.bam
TTAccount: accountServer from launcher: None
TTAccount: default accountServer: toontown.go.com
:07-08-2010 14:16:47 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
Initializing quest ladders…
:07-08-2010 14:16:59 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘purple’
:07-08-2010 14:16:59 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘orange’
:07-08-2010 14:16:59 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘maroon’
:07-08-2010 14:16:59 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘lightGold’
:07-08-2010 14:17:01 PiratesBase: Got window event: origin=(0, 0) size=(960, 510) title=“Pirates” !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen !foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/Pirates_Adds.ico absolute parent:001D0282
BpDb.bpGroup is deprecated, use bpdb.bpPreset instead
BpDb.bpGroup is deprecated, use bpdb.bpPreset instead
BpDb.bpGroup is deprecated, use bpdb.bpPreset instead
:07-08-2010 14:17:04 PiratesClientRepository: Using connect method ‘http’
DCFile::read of /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/otp.dc
DCFile::read of /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/pirates.dc
:07-08-2010 14:17:05 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/sfx_can_flamingprojectile.mp3
:07-08-2010 14:17:05 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/sfx_can_icefreeze.mp3
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 PiratesClientRepository(warning): Module AvatarAccessoriesManager does not define class AvatarAccessoriesManager.
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 WebLauncherBase: DEPRECATED getRegistry: DEPLOYMENT
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 WebLauncherBase: DEPRECATED getRegistry: GAME_DEPLOYMENT
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 PiratesClientRepository: reg_deployment=None
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 PiratesClientRepository: loginInterface: LoginDISLTokenAccount
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 DistributedObjectGlobal(warning): ChatManager going online
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 DistributedShipLoader(warning): ShipLoader going online
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-08-2010 14:17:08 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-08-2010 14:17:44 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-08-2010 14:17:44 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-08-2010 14:17:52 PiratesBase: Using gameServer from launcher: gameserver.piratesonline.com:7667
:07-08-2010 14:17:53 PiratesClientRepository: Connecting to gameserver directly (no proxy).
:07-08-2010 14:17:53 PiratesClientRepository: Connecting to s://gameserver.piratesonline.com:7667 via HTTP interface.
Reached end of StartPiratesLauncher.py.
:07-08-2010 14:17:55 WebLauncherBase: hwpipe finished: 0
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 PackageInfo: potco_3 downloading a.download.piratesonline.com/eng … co_3.mf.pz
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 PackageInstaller: downloadStarted
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 PackageInstaller: packageFinished: potco_2 True
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 :downloader: Self-signed certificate from gameserver.piratesonline.com:7667
########## startReaderPollTask Pirate
########## stopReaderPollTask Pirate
########## startReaderPollTask Pirate
########## stopReaderPollTask Pirate
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BardiT_outline.bam
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 LoginScreen: Login response return code 0
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 LoginScreen: End of DISL token parse
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 LoginScreen: accountDetailRecord: ========== Account 406022801 ==========
OpenChatEnabled: True
WLChatEnabled: True
CreateFriendsWithChat: True
ChatCodeCreation: True
PiratesAccess: 1
FamilyAccountId: 0
PlayerAccountId: 406022801
PlayerName: Guest406022801
AccountNameApproved: 0
MaxAvatars: 2
MaxAvatarSlots: 0
NumFamilyMembers: 0
FamilyMembers: []
NumSubs: 1
========== Sub 406022801 ==========
Sub Id: 406022801
Sub Owner Id: 406022801
Sub Name: thejoker401
Sub Active: YES
Sub Access: 1
Sub Level: 1
Sub MaxAvatars: 2
Sub Concurrent: 1
Sub Founder: 0

:07-08-2010 14:17:58 PiratesClientRepository: *** ACCOUNT INFO ***
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 PiratesClientRepository: username: Guest406022801
:07-08-2010 14:17:58 PiratesClientRepository: paid: 1
:07-08-2010 14:18:00 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/avchooser-theme
:07-08-2010 14:18:02 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/ship_rigging_std.mp3


I think it is a problem with your graphics hardware or graphics driver somehow. I am looking into a possible workaround. Do other 3-D graphics programs work well on your computer?


yes freerelms.com works just fine…a little slow but works just fine…world of warcraft works just fine slow but fine…i even tried the POTC launcher but it5 shuts down as well…

OK, I have a bit of complicated instructions to try. We are going to try to run your Pirates game in TinyPanda, which won’t look as good (it’s actually kind of ugly), but it should at least let you in the game for now, until we can figure out what’s really going wrong.

To do this, you need to do three things:
(1) Clear cookies in your browser, or specifically, the “game_api” cookie associated with piratesonline.go.com. If you don’t know how to find one particular cookie, then just clear all of your cookies. We need to do this to undo the specific selection of a graphics API you have made on the web page. (And don’t go back and pick another graphics API, or you’ll have to clear cookies again.)

(2) Go to the Panda3D/start/pirates folder (adjacent to the Panda3D/log folder where you found the log file) and remove game_api.txt. We’re doing this to remove any memory of the graphics API from previous runs.

(3) Now download http://www.ddrose.com/~drose/tinypanda.prc and put this file into the Panda3D/prc folder (which should be an empty folder right now). This file contains the commands to switch to the TinyPanda graphics API, but it won’t work if the game still remembers your explicitly selected API from a previous run, which is why we had to do (1) and (2) first.

(4) Now launch the game. Does it let you in?


i right clicked saved the target as and put it in the file did all the things you said and still get that shut down error…

Can you show me your latest pirates.log file then?


:07-12-2010 13:46:31 AppRunner: Total Panda3D disk space used: 182 MB
:07-12-2010 13:46:31 AppRunner: Configured max usage is: 2048 MB
PLocalizer: Running in language: english
OTPLocalizer: Running in language: english
from otp.otpbase.OTPLocalizerEnglish import *
:07-12-2010 13:46:32 WebLauncherBase: isTestServer: 0

Starting Pirates…
Current time: Mon Jul 12 13:46:32 2010 Central Standard Time
sys.argv = []
tokens = [(‘style’, ‘display: block;’), (‘name’, ‘panda_game’), (‘src’, ‘http://download.piratesonline.com/english/inbrowser/pirates_early.p3d’), (‘id’, ‘panda_game’), (‘class’, ‘panda_game’), (‘type’, ‘application/x-panda3d’), (‘auto_start’, ‘1’), (‘alt_host’, ‘’), (‘log_history’, ‘3’), (‘onpythonstop’, ‘PND.onPhythonStop()’), (‘onwindowopen’, ‘PND.onWindowOpen()’), (‘onloadingmessagesstart’, ‘PPI.onLoadingMessagesStart()’), (‘onloadingmessagesstop’, ‘PPI.onLoadingMessagesStop()’), (‘gameinfo’, ‘PND.gameData’), (‘splash_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘unauth_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘failed_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘active_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/panda/game.close.jpg’), (‘download_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘ready_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘launch_img’, ‘http://a.disney.go.com/pirates/online/v3/global/images/testsite/bg.loading.jpg’), (‘bgcolor’, ‘#F3EDD3’), (‘width’, ‘960’), (‘height’, ‘510’)]
gameInfo = BrowserObject(22)
:07-12-2010 13:46:32 WebLauncherBase: chdir: C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Customer\Local Settings\Application Data\Panda3D\log
:07-12-2010 13:46:32 WebLauncherBase: dxdiag /t hwprofile.log
:07-12-2010 13:46:33 WebLauncherBase: hwpipe pid: 568
PiratesStart: Starting the game.
:07-12-2010 13:46:39 :audio: using Miles software midi
:07-12-2010 13:46:39 ShowBase: dev == 0
1 explicit pages:
setupWindow (signed 1: )

2 implicit pages:
/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/prc/tinypanda.prc
/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/Config.pre (signed 1: c591e7895a7cb27f)

:07-12-2010 13:46:39 DisplayOptions(debug): restrict_to_embedded: 1
:07-12-2010 13:46:39 PiratesBase: Requested graphics API = default
:07-12-2010 13:46:39 :display: loading display module: libpandadx9.dll
Known pipe types:
(3 aux display modules not yet loaded.)
:07-12-2010 13:46:42 :display:windisplay: OS version:
:07-12-2010 13:46:42 :display:windisplay: Service Pack 3
:07-12-2010 13:46:42 :display:windisplay: max Mhz 1656000000, current Mhz 1656000000
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 :display:wdxdisplay9: DX 9.0c GetAvailableVidMem (including AGP) returns Total: 63766528, Free: 63581440 for device #0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 :display:wdxdisplay9: GetAvailableVidMem (no AGP) returns Total: 63766528, Free: 63581440 for device #0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 :display:wdxdisplay9: SetLowVidMem flag to 0 based on adjusted VidMemTotal: 67108864
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 PiratesBase: Default graphics pipe is wdxGraphicsPipe9 (DirectX9).
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 PiratesBase: Auto-selected graphics API = default
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: vendor_id = 4318
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: device_id = 272
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: device_name* = ‘GeForce2 MX/MX 400’
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: info = ‘test-low-end card’
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: Recommended Game Options
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: version = 16
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: state = ‘default’
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: api = u’default’
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: window_width = 800
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: window_height = 600
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: fullscreen_width = 800
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: fullscreen_height = 600
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: resolution = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: embedded = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: fullscreen = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: widescreen = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: widescreen_resolution = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: widescreen_fullscreen = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: reflection = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: shader = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: shadow = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: texture = 256
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: texture_compression = 1
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: sound = 1
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: sound_volume = 1.0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: music = 1
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: music_volume = 1.0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: gui_scale = 0.5
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: chatbox_scale = 0.0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: special_effects = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: texture_scale = 0.25
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: character_detail_level = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: terrain_detail_level = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: memory = 1
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: mouse_look = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: gamma = 0.0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: gamma_enable = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: cpu_frequency_warning = 1
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: hdr = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: hdr_factor = 1.0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: ship_visibility_from_islands = 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: land_map_radar_axis= 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: ocean_map_radar_axis= 1
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: simple_display_option= 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 Options: use_stereo= 0
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 :display:wdxdisplay9: D3D9.0 Adapter[0]: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400, Driver: nv4_disp.dll, DriverVersion: (
VendorID: 0x000010DE DeviceID: 0x00000110 SubsysID: 0x00201681 Revision: 0x000000A1
:07-12-2010 13:46:43 :display:wdxdisplay9: Selected device 0 (of 1, zero-based)
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 :display:windisplay: Got parent_window 0024024C
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 :display:windisplay: os_handle type NativeWindowHandle::WinHandle
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 :display:windisplay(warning): SetForegroundWindow() failed!
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 :display:wdxdisplay9(warning): SetForegroundWindow() failed!
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 :display:wdxdisplay9: walla: device034797C0:2
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 :display: Unable to set window properties: !undecorated !fixed_size icon:/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/Pirates_Adds.ico parent:0024024C
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 PiratesBase: Successfully opened window of type wdxGraphicsWindow9 (DirectX9)
:07-12-2010 13:46:44 PiratesBase: Got window event: origin=(0, 0) size=(960, 510) title=“Pirates” !undecorated !fixed_size !fullscreen foreground !minimized open !cursor_hidden icon:/c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/Pirates_Adds.ico absolute parent:0024024C
:07-12-2010 13:46:45 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BriosoPro_chipped.bam
:07-12-2010 13:46:45 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BriosoPro_chipped_outline.bam
serverVersion: pcsv1.0.26.10
:07-12-2010 13:46:52 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BardiT.bam
TTAccount: accountServer from launcher: None
TTAccount: default accountServer: toontown.go.com
:07-12-2010 13:46:53 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
Initializing quest ladders…
:07-12-2010 13:47:04 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘purple’
:07-12-2010 13:47:04 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘orange’
:07-12-2010 13:47:04 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘maroon’
:07-12-2010 13:47:04 :text(warning): Creating default TextProperties for name ‘lightGold’
BpDb.bpGroup is deprecated, use bpdb.bpPreset instead
BpDb.bpGroup is deprecated, use bpdb.bpPreset instead
BpDb.bpGroup is deprecated, use bpdb.bpPreset instead
:07-12-2010 13:47:09 PiratesClientRepository: Using connect method ‘http’
DCFile::read of /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/otp.dc
DCFile::read of /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/panda3d/potco/pirates.dc
:07-12-2010 13:47:10 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/sfx_can_flamingprojectile.mp3
:07-12-2010 13:47:10 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/sfx_can_icefreeze.mp3
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 PiratesClientRepository(warning): Module AvatarAccessoriesManager does not define class AvatarAccessoriesManager.
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 WebLauncherBase: DEPRECATED getRegistry: DEPLOYMENT
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 WebLauncherBase: DEPRECATED getRegistry: GAME_DEPLOYMENT
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 PiratesClientRepository: reg_deployment=None
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 PiratesClientRepository: loginInterface: LoginDISLTokenAccount
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 DistributedObjectGlobal(warning): ChatManager going online
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 DistributedShipLoader(warning): ShipLoader going online
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-12-2010 13:47:11 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-12-2010 13:47:47 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-12-2010 13:47:47 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/bodyFall-08.mp3
:07-12-2010 13:47:57 PiratesBase: Using gameServer from launcher: gameserver.piratesonline.com:7667
:07-12-2010 13:47:58 PiratesClientRepository: Connecting to gameserver directly (no proxy).
:07-12-2010 13:47:58 PiratesClientRepository: Connecting to s://gameserver.piratesonline.com:7667 via HTTP interface.
Reached end of StartPiratesLauncher.py.
:07-12-2010 13:48:05 PackageInfo: potco_3 downloading a.download.piratesonline.com/eng … co_3.mf.pz
:07-12-2010 13:48:05 PackageInstaller: downloadStarted
:07-12-2010 13:48:05 PackageInstaller: packageFinished: potco_2 True
:07-12-2010 13:48:05 :downloader: Self-signed certificate from gameserver.piratesonline.com:7667
########## startReaderPollTask Pirate
########## stopReaderPollTask Pirate
########## startReaderPollTask Pirate
########## stopReaderPollTask Pirate
:07-12-2010 13:48:05 :text: Loading font /c/Documents and Settings/Valued Customer/Local Settings/Application Data/Panda3D/hosts/PiratesOnline/potco_2/phase_2/models/fonts/BardiT_outline.bam
:07-12-2010 13:48:06 LoginScreen: Login response return code 0
:07-12-2010 13:48:06 LoginScreen: End of DISL token parse
:07-12-2010 13:48:06 LoginScreen: accountDetailRecord: ========== Account 406022801 ==========
OpenChatEnabled: True
WLChatEnabled: True
CreateFriendsWithChat: True
ChatCodeCreation: True
PiratesAccess: 1
FamilyAccountId: 0
PlayerAccountId: 406022801
PlayerName: Guest406022801
AccountNameApproved: 0
MaxAvatars: 2
MaxAvatarSlots: 0
NumFamilyMembers: 0
FamilyMembers: []
NumSubs: 1
========== Sub 406022801 ==========
Sub Id: 406022801
Sub Owner Id: 406022801
Sub Name: thejoker401
Sub Active: YES
Sub Access: 1
Sub Level: 1
Sub MaxAvatars: 2
Sub Concurrent: 1
Sub Founder: 0

:07-12-2010 13:48:06 PiratesClientRepository: *** ACCOUNT INFO ***
:07-12-2010 13:48:06 PiratesClientRepository: username: Guest406022801
:07-12-2010 13:48:06 PiratesClientRepository: paid: 1
:07-12-2010 13:48:08 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/avchooser-theme
:07-12-2010 13:48:14 :audio:milesAudio(warning): No such file: audio/ship_rigging_std.mp3

Oh, oops, my apologies. I had the permissions set wrong on tinypanda.prc, so it downloaded incorrectly. Please download the latest version of this file again from http://www.ddrose.com/~drose/tinypanda.prc and install it into the Panda3D/prc folder, as above.


You were right ugly graphics but it works and i aint complaining…i just need a new video card i think cause i have a nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400 64mb and i think i need a major upgrade!

thank you very much for your help mate!

Why is pOTC being ran in tiny panda right now? . I was just about to go ballistic when I saw my graphics . I thought I killed my graphics card thanks for letting me know that tiny panda is the reason for such ugly terrible graphics . Can anyone tell me what i can switch to help the graphics for right now? Or how to get rid of tiny panda

tinypanda is a last resort software renderer that kicks in when neither DirectX or OpenGL can be initialized. You don’t have to get rid of tinypanda, rather you have to get your graphic card drivers working. If tiny wasn’t working then you wouldn’t get a working game at all.

So update DirectX:
microsoft.com/downloads/deta … laylang=en

And update your graphic card drivers.